Chapter 14

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Song of the Moment: Rhinestone Cowboy by Glen Campbell


"I fucked it all up." I yelled in exasperation as I entered Dan's house. Johnny stood up from the kitchen table.

"What did you do?" He asked as Dan came out of the bathroom.

"I told Sara about us and even showed her Noctum. It didn't go as planned." Johnny slapped the back of my head.

"Are you an idiot or something? I swear, if this turns out just like it did with-,"

"With Maude?" I backed away from him. "What are you going to do? Kill her? How dare you? I loved her and you took her away!" I attacked him. We both fell to the ground, wrestling and strangling.

"Now quit it, you two." Dan tried to pry me off but I reeled an arm back and slammed into him, sending him clear across the room and into the wall. He crumpled into an unconscious heap.

"You took my Ellie! She was my baby and you killed her." Noctum took over and I felt myself fall into an abyss of darkness and anger. I spent so long holding in the hurt I felt from when I lost my girls. I couldn't hold it anymore.


By the time I woke up, it was morning. I looked around and found myself in my bed, still in my clothes from the night before. Johnny came out of the bathroom looking pretty banged up.

"Oh good, you're awake." The bruises seemed to fade away as he pulled a chair over and sat by the bed. "Before you say anything, I'm sorry. I knew Maude was a touchy subject for you and I pushed. I shouldn't have done that."

I remained silent as I climbed out of bed and went over to the window to look upon the distant city beyond the house.

"To be honest, I deserved getting my ass kicked." He noticed I wasn't even listening to him. "Anthony, please."

"What is there to say, Jonathan?" He winced at the use of his full first name. "You killed the only woman I've ever loved and I forgive you? I keep thinking that I have but to be honest, I've been lying to myself all this time. Now you think that Sara is just like her but here's the thing. She's so much different from her and I won't allow you to degrade her just like you did to Maude." He let out a small laugh.

"You know, if you would just open up more often like this, then it would be easier to come to an agreement or an understanding." I heard the creak of the chair and footsteps by the doorway. "I'm not going to explain myself again on Maude. You know it had to be done but you were such a coward-just like you are now." He left the room.

I gripped the windowsill tightly and took deep breaths. I barely stood up to my brother on sensitive subjects and when I did, it exhausted me.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. It was officially November and a Saturday. Clockworks would open next month. Sara and I needed to repeat our talk since most likely, she forgot it after Noctum revealed himself to her and Chloe had probably told horrible stuff to her.

Leaving the bedroom, I noticed both Dan and Johnny gone. They left no note or anything so I did the same as I left the house. "Oh, come on."

The cars were gone and I was stuck on foot. Great.


Sara woke up to loud vacuuming coming from downstairs and her best friend sleeping on a sleeping bag by her bed. She bolted upright and tried to remember the night before. The forest, Nate, and Anthony zoomed through her head but everything after Anthony climbing in the window was a blank.

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