Chapter 11

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Song of the moment: My Body's a Zombie for You by Dead Man's Bones


"Is he sick or something?" Sara asked Nate as he shuffled around some sheet music and shoved it into a binder.

"He never texted me back so I don't know." He shrugged while opening a bag of pretzels. "Hey, Josh and Levi have been gone all week too. Do you think they decided to ditch school together or something?"

Sara shook her head and stared out the huge windows of the cafeteria. The rain rolled down in sheets against the glass and she immediately knew that this Halloween was going to be spent inside.

"Don't look so glum, chum." Nate joked as he slid over the bag of pretzels to her. Sara took a few and nibbled on them.

"Do you think that they'll cancel the Halloween carnival?" Every year, the school threw a carnival for everyone. Despite the pricey tickets and tacky booths, it was actually really fun.

"The rain should stop by the end of the day. It's only a burst." He reassured her and devoured the rest of the pretzels. "I don't know about you but I've got stuff to do."

"Stuff called what?" Sara wiggled her eyebrows playfully but she was genuinely curious. He was so busy now that he was the President of the music club.

"The junior high school kids are coming to see the club perform." He pulled his backpack onto the table and unzipped it to stick in his binder, still leaking sheet music.

"Ooh," Now this would be cool. "What are you playing?" Nate zipped his backpack up and stood up from the table.

"Piano," He bent down to her eye level and lowered his voice. "Between you and me, I'm sneaking in a Halloween song towards the end." He flashed a smile, slung on his backpack and darted out the doors towards the auditorium.

Just as he left, a group of girls came running into the cafeteria and searching for people. Whispers came in hushed voices and Sara looked around in confusion. Something wasn't right.

One of the girls ran up to her. "Chloe's back."

Sara was genuinely surprised to see her best friend walking in with a healthy complexion and boys and girls following close behind. She scanned the cafeteria and locked her eyes on Sara. She waltzed over and Sara kind of dreaded her coming. She was her best friend, but Chloe was a Siren who scared Sara to death.

"Hi, Sara." Chloe's air of confidence disappeared and was replaced by the same quirkiness Sara loved and knew. "Can I sit with you?" She nodded silently and Chloe sat across from her in Nate's spot.

"I wanted to apologize for scaring you last week." The words spilled out. "It was out of line and I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too." Sara admitted; it was time to make up. "For storming out and not listening to you."

"I didn't listen to you either. " Chloe glanced around, leaned in and lowered her voice. "The Anthony you know is different from the one I knew and I didn't pay attention to that. He could've changed after what happened with my parents." Sara smiled and was glad that her best friend was coming to her senses but to her, Tony was still the harmless protector she missed dearly.

"I know he's a good guy. He saved me, then both of us at Snake Pit, and even came to check on us to make sure we were okay. He has a heart and I wouldn't doubt him for a second." Sara stated with full-blown honesty but Chloe just fab her a sad smile.

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