Chapter 8

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Song of the Moment: Best Friend by Foster The People


"I look ridiculous." Johnny stated as he pulled on an old band t-shirt of mine.

"You look fine. Besides, I could've made you wear the other one." I reminded and he agreed that it could've been worse.

"I don't even listen to The Killers." He mumbled and I chuckled a little bit. Wilson walked in on his newly healed leg and wearing the most emo outfit I had ever seen.

"You could definitely be a member of My Chemical Romance." I joked. He glared at me.

"Yeah, call me Gerard Way." He sat on the edge of the couch and grabbed the black Chucks I pulled out for him. "Geez, you have big feet."

"Get over it," Johnny sniped. "At least you look halfway decent. I feel like I just walked out of HipsterLand."

"You think you look bad?" Wilson shot back. "I'm the walking nightmare of Myspace!"

"Can both of you please shut up?" They were both irritating me. "This is how teenagers dress these days."

"I guess you're right." Johnny was giving in. "I remember how they were back in Artiville."

"This is why you should trust my judgement. I know what I'm talking about." He raised an eyebrow.

"I won't trust your judgment-not after the 80's." He smirked at me and we both knew what he was talking about so I chucked a shoe at him.

"That was uncalled for." I cut off that conversation real quick.

"Family issues, man." Wilson nudged Dan and Dan rolled his eyes and pulled away from him "I'm glad I don't have any."

I pulled out the necessary school enrollment papers that I printed off the night before. I had already filled everything out and I had Dan talk with an administrator from the school and pretend to be their father. I send Noctum through the phone to do some extra convincing so the transition would be easier and unsuspicious. Turns out, there was a group of kids starting school with Johnny and Wilson because their parents moved due to Clockworks opening and such. I sensed more Blood Fury trouble.

"Here." I handed individual packets to each of them. "This has all your forms and such. I uses Noctum to speed some things up and I got you basic classes that would match up with both Sara and Darwin."

"I swear, you are the best little brother ever." Johnny grinned and mussed up my hair. I winced as he did so. Wilson was pretty chill about it.

"Ah, before I forget." I spat some demon blood out, all black and mucky. Wilson grimaced.

"What is that for?" He didn't even see it coming when I smacked my palm full of demon blood on his arm, the black fading immediately into his skin. He cried out in disgust and protest but it was already too late. Noctum's blood was in him.

"This is to keep track of you." I grinned smugly. "This is so you can't turn on us."

"Why I ought to-," Johnny cut him off by throwing a backpack at him.

"Let's go, King of Myspace." They both headed out and I sunk back into the couch. Dan brought over some coffee and sat beside me.

"So, what now?" We didn't look atecher as we drank our coffee and stared blankly at random points in the living room.

"Now we just wait."


Sara was a little confused that day. She had stopped by at the library to get that book and another librarian said that she had no idea what the book was or who Mrs. Richards was. What was also weird was the new kids who moved for jobs. There was this blonde guy in her first period class who would constantly flirt with all the girls but would glance at her occasionally. She thought hard about it as she sat down at a bench just outside the cafeteria. She pulled out a book and nibbled at a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

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