Chapter 5

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Song of the Moment: Prey by The Neighbourhood


Sara Damen woke up to the beeping of machines and found herself in a hospital bed. Her father sat asleep in a chair right beside her. She looked down and took in her situation. A IV was stuck in her arm and her party dress was gone and replaced with a simple hospital gown. Blankets encumbered her in a comfy bed-riden prison.

"Dad?' She squeaked out hoarsely. His eyes snapped open and he looked at her with relief. He jumped up and yelled for a nurse before burying her in one of his big hugs. "You can let go now." She said, her voice muffled by his shirt.

"Oh, sorry." He apologized before pulling back and letting her breathe. He stuck his hands in his pockets. The nurse walked in with a clipboard. She was a tall, slender woman with platimum blonde curls and ruby red nails.

"How are you feeling?" She asked sweetly.
"Just tired and overwhelmed." Sara told her honestly. She took her blood pressure and checked on her vitals before leaving with her father to talk to him in private. While they were gone, Sara glanced around, curious about her room.

Everything was a mint green with a little table beside a small window. An old TV sat on a rusted stand against the wall facing her. To the left of it was a small, cramped bathroom and to the right was the door her father had exited. Sara admitted that it was nothing special and leaned back on her bed to stare at the ceiling.

She swore she saw him. In fact, she was absolutely positive it was Tony. When he talked, he reminded her of that night he saved her. She remembered how gentle, how kind, how sincere he was with her. Sara wished every New Year's Eve to see him again and now her wish had come true. Something wasn't right though; something was off. He looked exactly as he was back then. Tony would've looked older but at Snake Pit, there he was in all his youthful glory, the exact gentle protector she remembered. It couldn't have been him then. It must've been all in her head. Ageless people didn't exist, or so she thought.

Just then, her father walked back in with the nurse, his mouth pressed in a grim, stern line. The nurse held her clipboard to her chest and eventually left the two to talk.

"What is it?" Sara asked. Her father sat back down in his chair.

"Chloe's in a coma." He started. "Both of you were drugged with an unknown substance-most likely from the two men that were found with you girls. You had very little in your system while Chloe had ingested a larger amount. Her organs are shutting down and they're not sure if she's going to make it. Whatever it was, it's disappeared but the effects are still there." Sara sat up and gripped the side of the bed.

"My best friend's dying?" She asked in a whisper.

"Most likely." He stated reluctantly. "I'll contact her family." He stood up and started to exit the room.

"There's no point in calling them. You and I both know that we are the only ones who love her." Sara said angrily. Mr. Damen sighed and exited the room.

She sat for a moment, trying to piece everything together. The early morning sun shone through the window but the world was nothing but gray outside. It seemed that Tony showed up only at the bad times in her life. First, her sister's murder. Then, those two guys and now Chloe was probably going to die. She needed him now but she realized that whenever he came, chaos followed.

Sara looked over at the door and stared, expecting him to stroll in and kill her with that sweet, sweet smile of his. But of course, he didn't and she slowly turned her head back to stare at the ceiling and she slid down in a laying position to snuggle in her blankets.

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