Chapter 2

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Song of the Moment: Wake Up by Arcade Fire


Eleven Years Later

"Tony!" Sara screamed as Johnny dragged her towards the dark, empty doorway.

"Sara!" I ran, trying to catch her. Her arms reached out and her hair was flying. He was going to hurt her.

Running faster, I reached out for her and a claw reached for my hand. Looking up, two demons replaced Sara and my brother. They leaped at me and one of them hissed at me. "It's time to wake up!"

My face was greeted by freezing water and I shot up from my bed. Johnny stood over me with a bucket of water and was laughing at me. "What the hell?"

"It's time to wake up. Hibernation has ended, grumpy cat." He smacked my head before heading towards the bedroom door.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I snarled at him as I got out of bed. My icy, wet clothes clung to my body and I yanked my shirt off to throw it in the clothes hamper.

"No cussing, dude," He taunted at the doorway. "That's another dollar in the swear jar." I was so killing him.

"Whatever." I mumbled. "Let me get dressed. I've got to run to the store." He rolled his eyes as I grabbed some clothes from my closet. He slapped the doorway and I heard him running down the stairs.

After throwing my clothes on, I met Johnny downstairs in the living room. The news was on the flat screen and he was on his laptop. I hadn't even entered the room when he bellowed, "Anthony, get your ass in here!"

"What?" I snapped. "I'm right here." I came up right behind him on the couch.

"I found something." His voice lost the normal jokester vibe. It was dark and serious.

"The mask?" I asked, hoping that was it.

"No," I was disappointed. "It's one of our meals." My ears perked up.


"You know that one New Year's Eve when I lost control?" I snorted.

"Which one?" I asked humorously.

"Clockworks Club in '99." I froze. Johnny sat there puzzled as he looked at something on his computer screen.

"The one with the waitress girl and her little sister?" I asked. Did he find Sara?

"Yeah, that one." He answered, happy about what he remembered.

"What about it?" I tried to sound casual.

"Turns out, I found an article about the little sister: a miss Sara Damen." He looked at me accusingly. "I thought you got rid of her?"

"She probably lived what punishment I doled out for her." I tried to shrug it off. He couldn't get her. I promised years ago that Sara had to be safe from him, from us.

"Some murder blog got an interview with her. 'Eleven years after the monster.'" He was glaring at his laptop screen. "Of course they're talking about me."

"It's going to end in a cold case. No one can trace us." I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the coffee table. "We've had over what? 600 years of practice?"

"'It has been eleven years since the death of Claire Eunice Damen. The 19 year-old waitress was mauled and killed while working on New Year's Eve, 1999 at the Clockworks Club in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her younger sister, 7 year-old Sara Amber Damen, came with to work with her that night, and Ms. Claire hid her in a secret room that belonged to the club assistant manager, a close friend of hers. (He wished to not have his name mentioned in this article) Ms. Sara was playing with her toys when she heard screaming in the back rooms (mainly for sexual purposes). She went to investigate when she saw a "monster" mauling her sister. A young man picked her up and took safety in the secret room. Ms. Damen remembers the man, called "Tony", as her savior.'

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