Chapter 13

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Song of the moment: Locked In A Cage by Brick + Mortar


"So, um, how long did you stay after the hospital that night?" I hadn't even realized she had stood up when she asked. I was still leaning against the tree.

"I never actually left until we had a problem with Darwin and then, I was only gone a week until today." She was still so calm.

"Is that why Darwin disappeared?" I nodded. "Did he do something bad?" Technically, he didn't. He was only trying to figure out the truth.

"He did nothing wrong-just got a little too curious." Now that sounded bad. "I mean, he's okay, he disappeared to get away from us because we seemed too suspicious." Still sucky but it was better.

"I think you should know that even though I seem eerily calm right now, I'm having an internal breakdown." She smiled faintly and I suddenly noticed how pale she was getting.

"Maybe you should sit down." Chloe suggested and made her lean against a tree.

"I think we should leave and take wizard kid home before those guys return or he wakes up." Johnny's mind was already made up as he picked up Nate like he was nothing and the poor kid flopped on Johnny's shoulder. Chloe continued to glare at him as she placed Sara's arm around her neck.

"Hey, Tony?" Sara managed to get out. "Can we talk about everything?"

"Yeah, but I think it would be best to get your friends home and you need to go home as well. " I reasoned and she reluctant agreed. Chloe's eyes softened their glare at me.

"You might be a saint in her eyes but I still remember what you are." Chloe mustered up the best venom she could spit at me but I knew that deep down, she was grateful for us coming.

"Whoops." Johnny's voice carried as we caught up to him. "It seems that I forgot to cut off the zip tie." Nate's still-tied arms were caught on a bush. Johnny tugged him a little violently to get him loose and Chloe sucked in a breath and brought back the glare. Sara was too loopy to notice. After Nate was freed, he kept walking and I heard the snap of the zip tie and Nate's arms dangled loose.

After about five minutes or so of trudging through the woods, laughter and lights arose from the tree line. Johnny and I guided them to the back of the school so they wouldn't get noticed.

"Where is your car parked?" I asked.

"We're at the far corner of the front parking lot near the greenhouse." Chloe answered since Sara was still on the verge of passing out.

"Okay, here's the plan," I began, "We'll get you to your car but after that, you're on your own. We'll catch up later when you've slept it over. Too much in one night wouldn't be wise." They all agreed-reluctantly-and we managed to sneak past everyone and get to their car. Chloe dug out the keys out of Sara's jacket pocket and unlocked it for us. Johnny practically tossed Nate into the backseat and I helped ease Sara into the passenger seat.

"We'll get Nate home safe and sound. Just back off." Chloe sniped at me as she climbed into the driver's seat. I shut the passenger door after getting Sara buckled. Her eyes were droopy.

"Bitch." Johnny mumbled under his breath to me as the engine roared to life. Chloe gave us her cold stare before backing out of the parking spot and speeding away, careful to avoid pedestrians.

"That was something." I remarked.

"She sure was something." My brother laughed. "Did you see the way she ogled me? Nevermind, she did it when you weren't looking."

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