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Bailey woke with a gasp for air, her eyes wide as she looked straight up at the dark ceiling. She coughed harshly as she rolled onto her side, pain shooting through her body as she winced. Everyone in the room woke at the sudden noise, Tony scrambling up out of his seat to lean over her; brushing her hair out of her face. 

'Bay, hey, hey, hey,' He spoke softly; 'Deep breath, Bay. Sit up, here.'

She gripped his arm as he helped her sit up, tears rolling down her cheeks. He helped her take a sip of water, Justin sitting himself up in his seat; Alex and Jess gone home for the night.

'I-I'm so-sorry, T-Tony,' She cried; 'Fuck, it hurts so bad.'

He shushed her as she leant her forehead on the side of his face, before he nodded to Justin who raced out of the room. Zach came to sit by her, placing a hand on her knee, causing her to look up at him; a sob breaking across her face. She placed her hand on his, before snapping it away to hold her stomach. 

'Tony, it really hurts,' She whispered as she cried.

'I know, I know,' He spoke softly; 'We're getting help.'

'How long was I out?'

'A day.'

'Shit... Where- Where are we?'

She closed her eyes in pain, clenching them shut; missing the look the two boys shared. Tony beat himself up for ever suggesting the idea, but it had saved her life. She'd been out for twelve hours, which held a lot of chaos. His gaze snapped to the doorway when Justin stepped back into the room, the small blonde woman behind him. Bailey's eyes opened to land on her Aunt, before her mother stepped up behind her.

'Get out,' She croaked. 

'Bailey,' Maria stepped forward. 

'You brought me here?'

Tony sighed, closing his eyes; 'I didn't have a choice.'

'I'd rather die then be here.'

She pushed herself up to sit, Tony moving with her as he tried to stop her; Zach jumping up to stand.

'Bay, hey,' Justin rushed forward; 'Stop.'

'Get the fuck away from me, Foley,' She hissed. 

'Stop. You're going to hurt yourself.'

'You fucking hurt me.'

He paused, looking at her like a kicked puppy; 'Bay, I'm so sorry. But, you need to listen to me.'

'Why would I-'

'If we hadn't have brought you here, you'd be dead! Don't you understand that? We can't loose you so we brought you to the one person who could save you. So don't be so fucking selfish and let her help you!'

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