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  'My father told me people will judge me

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'My father told me people will judge me. People will assume they know who I am by looking at me. '


Bailey pulled up to the curb out the front of the Jensen household the next morning, quickly shutting of the engine to her car and getting out. She strode up to the front door, knocking on it twice before stepping back; trying her best to be patient. She tapped her foot, waiting for the door to open. And when it did, she forced a smile onto her face when Lainie Jensen stepped into view.

'Bailey, it's good to see you,' The woman smiled.

'Good to see you, too. Um, is Clay around? Kinda need some help on homework that due,' She faked a coy shrug.

'I'll get him for you. Come on in.'

The Matthews girl stepped inside and awkwardly stood in the foyer as Lainie called her son's name up the stairs, Clay jogging about half way down them before stopping.

'Bailey needs some help with some homework,' Laine smiled.

Clay's eyes flickered to her, she nodded with wide eyes; making sure he got the message.

'Uh, yeh, sure. That's cool. We'll be in my room,' He nodded.

'No worries. Bailey, would you like anything to eat?' Lainie asked politely.

Her stomach clenched at the thought of food, but she shook her head; 'No thank you. I've already eaten.'

The woman nodded and watched as the two teens made their way up the stairs, both of the stopping once they were out of sight much to Bailey's dismay.

'What are you doing here?' Clay asked.

'Where is he?' She replied.


'Justin. Where is he?'

Clay's eyes went wide as his jaw dropped, his eyes moving over her face.

'Fuck, Jensen. Do I have to do everything myself?' She rolled her eyes before turning and walked up the hall.

'Bailey,' Clay called after her.

She didn't stop moving, quietly calling Justin's name until Clay grabbed her arm to stop her.

'Let me go, Jensen,' She sneered.

'He isn't here.'

'Bullshit... Justin.'

'Bailey?' Justin's voice came from behind her.

She turned and ripped her arm from Clay's grip, running up the shorty distance left of the hall and wrapping her arms around the boy. She quickly began crying into his shirt he held her, his own tears stinging his eyes. They leant back, Bailey holding his face as she looked over it; taking in the new scars and deep bags under his eyes. As she went to say something, Justin kissed her hard; squeezing her waist lightly as he did so. Her mind spun and her stomach fluttered, her hands lightly cupping his face even firmer.

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