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Everything felt right again. I walked around school the next day with my head held high. My friends liked me again and had Vic back. Everything was like it was before, only now I felt a sense of maturity in myself. I simply felt older and I knew that was because I pieced myself back together after being broken. Instead of relying on other people, I mostly did it on my own. That made me feel independent and good about myself. I finally had everything I wanted.

Everything I wanted, except good grades. I smiled sheepishly as Vic placed a report I had done on my desk. I got a 'D+' on it. At least Vic wasn't treating me any different to other students in the class. He gave me a disapproving look and moved on to the other students. Maybe I'll make him punish me later. I smile at my own thoughts and put my report in my notebook so the failure wasn't staring me in the face.

I was sitting at the back of the classroom with Alex and Mike. Tay told me she wanted to sit with her friend, Hayley. I guess they've become closer friends over the past couple of weeks. As I stared at Tay thoughtfully, a thought popped into my mind.

"Hey, Alex," I got the boy's attention from next to me, "How did your talk with Tay go?

Alex shifted uncomfortably in his chair before answering, "It was okay. Obviously she's still upset with me. I get that. But she says she understands why I did what I did...sort of. I don't think she's willing to forgive and forget yet,"

"Uh huh, so now are you and Jack...a thing?" I questioned.

"Um, I guess...sort of. I don't know. We're keeping it on the down low, mainly so Tay doesn't see us together and get upset, you know?" he explained. I nodded along.

"How thoughtful of you," I said a little sarcastically. He ignored my attitude as the bell rang. It was a bittersweet moment. I wasn't a fan of biology, so I would love to get out of here, but I loved the teacher so I wanted to stay.

"You coming, Kellin?" Mike asked. He and Alex were already out of their seats. I glanced at Vic and back to Mike.

"Yeah, you guys go ahead. I'll catch up," I told them. Alex, who had no clue what was going on with Vic and I, didn't think anything of me staying back. Mike on the other hand rolled his eyes. Oh well, he'll get over it.

The two of them left along with the rest of the class who were eager to get out of here. I slowly packed up my things so I was sure to be the last student left. When the room was empty Vic looked up at me with a smile.

"Hey cutie," I said quietly and walked up to his desk. I hugged my books tightly to my chest. I was feeling a little shy around him as images from the previous night flooded my mind. I was in love and it made me feel kind of bashful.

"Hey yourself. Did you need something?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Nope, just wanted to say hey," I said.

"How sweet of you," he said with a widening smile, "Come see me after school in my office?"

"Sure thing. I can't wait," I said. After along lingering stare, which was mainly focused on his lips, I reluctantly forced myself to leave his presence and went off to my next class.

When I was walking down the halls, I stopped when something caught my eye. Standing in the hall talking to each other was Tay and Mike. It wasn't that uncommon that they would talk to each other. The only thing was that I had never seen them talk without either Alex or myself being there. I kind of thought they were just friends by association, so it was a little weird to see them talking together.

What made me stop though was not the fact that they were talking, it was how they were talking. Tay was being her usual smiling self, but Mike on the other hand, well, I guess I could read guys well because I noticed the way he would move closer or the way he smiled or how he lightly touched her arm. Maybe I was being too observant, but I made up my mind that Mike had a crush on her, mainly because when she walked away, his eyes didn't leave her. I noticed him sigh deeply and turn towards me. I gave him a curious look. Does he actually like Tay? I never noticed him have any type of feelings towards her when she was with Alex.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now