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I walked into school the next morning like I owned the place, after all, confidence is key. I wouldn't let my disorder bring me down. I had it. I had to deal with it. There was no point in dwelling in self-pity. My sickness had completely cleared up too. I woke up feeling better than ever, so I was able to keep myself in a good mood. I was also happy because I'd get to see Vic. Seeing him yesterday was great, but it simply wasn't enough time.

I made my way to biology as excited as ever. It was just luck that this was my first class of the day. I probably would have gone crazy sitting through all my other classes just waiting for this one. I also had Alex, Tay and Mike in this class. None of them knew about what I had been through these past couple of weeks. They didn't even know that I was coming back today.

I walked into class a minute or two before it started. Vic looked up at me, kept a straight face and simply nodded once. I however smiled brightly and walked over to his desk which he was sitting at. I leant over it with my elbows resting on the hard wood.

"So about the work I missed while I was gone. Maybe we could have some private tutoring lessons. I'm sure you could teach me a thing or two," I said suggestively. I smiled cheekily, biting my bottom lip. He rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Good to have you back, Kellin. I'll talk to you after lunch," he said, talking about our session.

"We won't be doing much talking," I whispered. He gave me an unimpressed look. He loved it though, I know he did.

"Go and sit down," he ordered.

"You got it, sir," I said. I stepped away and turned back to the class who were all chatting to their friends. I looked over at my own who hadn't yet seen me. Tay was sitting in between Mike and Alex. Usually I'd sit between Tay and Mike, but I guess they got used to me not being here, so instead I went over to the other side of Alex and sat down.

"Hey guys," I said. The three of them looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey," they all said and went back to talking to each other. Okay so I wasn't expecting a welcome back party but maybe a little enthusiasm would have been nice.

"Right, missed you guys too," I muttered. I only got the attention of Tay though.

"You disappeared for like two weeks and didn't return any of our calls or texts, what do you expect?" she asked.

She sounded a little annoyed. On the one hand I was a little bothered that they were acting like this because it wasn't my fault that I couldn't contact them. On the other hand I was trying to look at the situation from their point of view. This is something that my therapist told me to do whenever I got annoyed with people. I was supposed to see it from the other person's perspective. That was supposed to make me think rationally and not over-react about things. Tay, Alex and Mike had no idea what I had been through. As far as they knew I just disappeared and went on holiday. They thought I ignored them, so they have the right to be angry with me. Then again I wanted them to at least ask how I was. I decided to just shake it off and pay attention to Vic's angelic voice instead as he started the lesson.

I found biology incredibly boring but when Vic was talking I hung off every word. It never used to be like this, but I guess I just missed him a lot. I still felt like I was on the outs with my friends. They seemed to have all these little inside jokes that I wasn't a part of and they didn't really try and include me. Maybe I was just being extra sensitive today. I looked at Alex next to me and couldn't help but think about what had happened between us. I nudged him, getting his attention.

"So...how's things?" I asked and gave him a look that let him know I wasn't making casual conversation. He knew I was talking about the whole confused sexuality thing. Honestly I didn't care that he was confused. What I cared about was whether he was being faithful to Tay.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now