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"Where have you two been," Miss McDougall asked in a scolding voice. It was far past sundown now and Vic and I had just gotten back from our little detour. Miss McDougall looked down right pissed off. I looked to Vic. He was at a loss for words.

"I walked off," I said casually.

"You walked off?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I was bored, so I made my own fun. Vic followed me to get me to come back with him, but what can I say? I'm a stubborn person," I said.

"We were about to send out a search party for you, and we would have sooner if it weren't for your friends saying that you were just up to mischief, which evidently you were! You have a week of detention and aren't allowed to leave the side of either Mr. Fuentes or myself, except for when you're sleeping, until we get back to school," her anger practically radiated off her as she spoke. I just stood there with a cocky grin on my face. If she thinks that making me stay close to Vic is punishment then she has another thing coming.

"Okay, chill," I said.

"Showers, now," she said firmly.

I hesitated, just to bother her, before walking off. This campsite was fairly big. With 40 students and two to each tent that meant there were 20 tents, plus two others for Vic and Miss McDougall. There were a few separate fires with different groups of students huddled around them since it was getting quite cold now. Off to the side there were bathrooms, which was where I was heading. I looked behind me and saw Vic talking to Miss McDougall. He looked up at me, then back at her. She was really bossy and I guess she was bossing him around too because she had a mean look on her face before she pointed in my direction. Vic then followed after me.

I continued walking into the male bathrooms. They had everything we needed already in here off to the side; which was just towels and soap. There were two areas you could shower in; out in the open, or in cubicles. When Vic joined me I turned and smiled.

"Wanna share a shower to save water?" I asked teasingly. He didn't say anything, and he didn't look annoyed. He simply picked up a few things and walked off to a cubicle, shutting, and most likely locking the door behind him. I rolled my eyes and set my bag down on one of the benches. I took my clothes off and went to one of the open showers, turning it on and standing under the warm water.

Being a teenage boy and knowing that my crush was naked behind a door just a few feet away had my hormones on high alert. I've never in my life wanted anyone so badly before. Usually when I want someone my thoughts go straight to fucking, but now all I wanted was for him to kiss me and I'd be truly satisfied.

"Do you want some company in there?" I asked hopefully.

"Shut up, Kellin," he said.

I sighed in frustration and continued my shower. I finished up quickly, quicker than Vic. I think he was waiting for me though so he wouldn't walk out and see me naked. I got dried and dressed in sweatpants and a shirt. Vic's shower turned off a little while after mine did. I picked up my bag and waited for him by the exit.

"Are you dressed?" he called out.

"Unfortunately, yes," I said. His door opened and he walked out, wearing basically the same as I was. He threw his towel to where all the other used ones were and came towards me. I side-stepped, blocking him from leaving.

"Don't start this again. Just move and let's join the others," he said.

"I don't want to join the others. I like being here with you," I said. For good measure I reached out and touched his hand. He looked down at it, but didn't move it away, so I laced my fingers with his. He sighed and looked up again.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now