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You know that moment when you wake up and the only thing you want to do is fall back asleep for another few hours? It doesn't matter how long you've slept for; you just feel exhausted, or in my case, hung over. I was warm and comfortable though, feeling secure. I was quick to remember that I fell asleep next to Vic last night. His arm was draped loosely across my stomach and the blanket was over us. I don't remember putting it on us, but I was pretty drunk last night so who knows if I did or not.

I rolled towards Vic and cuddled close to him. This was wrong, I knew that, but I was going to savor this moment before he inevitably woke up. Despite how much I might tease him or act as though everything is a joke, I really do like him. I felt content in this very moment being with him, even if he had no idea that it was me in bed with him.

He stirred in his sleep. Uh oh. I should have stayed still. I cringed, waiting for his reaction and he didn't disappoint. He groaned, shuffled around a little and two seconds later he leapt out of bed, tripped over the sheets and landed on the floor with a thud. I sat up, looking down at his horrified expression with an amused one of my own.

"What are you-? What did we-? I-" he stopped and looked down at his fully clothed body then at my own. He was silent for a moment before he sighed in relief.

"Oh, right....um, y-you were sick, and nothing happened. It's okay, nothing happened," he said like he was trying to convince himself. I was a bad person. A horrible, mean, evil, bad person. Why? Because I decided to play a little trick on him.

"Nothing happened?" I acted offended, "Vic...we made love and you don't remember?!

His eyes widened and he quickly scrambled up from the floor. He looked around the room as if he was desperately trying to remember what happened in here last night. I just kept a straight face.

"W-what? No, no that's not right. I mean...we came up here and you went to be sick and then...and then..." He trailed off, trying to remember.

"Wow, Vic. I lost my virginity to you and you forgot," I said, faking my anger.

"Y-your virginity?" he asked in shock, "Oh fuck..." I couldn't handle it anymore. My charade faltered and I ended up falling back onto the bed and letting laughter roll out of my mouth.

"You should have seen the look on your face. Oh my God I can't believe you bought that," I said through my laughter. Looked at him I noticed his confused face, and then he looked pissed.

"You're an asshole," he said. I nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I am," I said, still laughing.

"Stop laughing! I can't believe you just did that to me," he said. I bit my lip and smiled sweetly.

"You have to admit it was kind of funny," I said. I shook his head and huffed dramatically.

"Not funny," he muttered. He paced around the room looking panicked. I guess that would be a normal reaction when you wake up in bed with your student. I just lay there, watching the show.

"Okay... nothing happened, right?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Well, we almost kissed. But other than that, no, nothing happened," I confirmed. Yet. Nothing happened, yet. I wouldn't let my little mishap from last night stop me from getting what I want.

"Right..." He said quietly. He stopped walking around and looked down at me. I sat up, sitting cross-legged on the bed, waiting for his wave of damage control.

"Look... I shouldn't have, you know...I mean, I was drunk and I wasn't thinking," he stuttered out.

"Blah, blah, blah. You're sorry and regretful, I get it. But save it. I know the truth, Vic," I said.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now