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I felt a sense of nostalgia today. I felt how I felt before everything happened, back before summer break when I didn't know about any mental disorder, back before I met Vic, back when I spent a lot of my time with Oli doing what I'm doing now. We were out the back of the school and my head was rested on his lap and his fingers were playfully running through my hair. It was cute and sweet, sure, but I could only get Oli like this when he's high, and right now we were both as high as a kite. So were Oli's friends, Matt and Jordan.

This high made me feel numb, but good. It was what I needed to lift my depressed spirits. I just wanted to feel okay, just for a little while. I had even convinced myself I was having fun. Honestly, fuck the rest. If people make me feel this way then I should get rid of them from my life. Oli doesn't make me feel sad. Oli makes me feel wanted. His friends accept me no matter how much I screw up.

"So, Kellin, are you ever gonna tell us who made you so down in the dumps? Because you know we aren't exactly opposed to teaching them a lesson," Oli said. I chuckled and reached up to touch his face because it looked so smooth and touchable. He grabbed my hand though and laced our fingers together.

"No, it doesn't matter," I answered him.

"Are you sure?" he asked. To get him to stop asking, I sat up and pressed my lips against his. Oli, who was always instantly receptive to any kind of "action" he got, kissed back.

"Ugh, get a room," Jordan said in mock disgust. I think Jordan and Matt are already sick of me being around. It's only been a few days since I started hanging out with them again and they always complain that Oli and I are all over each other too much. In reality though all we do is kiss. He's a distraction. I don't actually want to do anything further than kissing, or maybe I would eventually. I pulled out of the kiss and Oli kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear.

"You and I should get out of here...go back to my place..." He said suggestively and kissed under my ear. He could be so seductive sometimes, so it was hard to say no, but I had other plans.

"I can't. I need to get to biology," I said and pulled away from him again.

"I thought you had biology now. Class is half over," he pointed out. All very true.

"Mhm, but I'm in the mood to cause trouble," I said. He smiled at me.

"You're cute when you're being rebellious," he said. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me back in for a kiss. I never felt anything when it came to his kisses, but it was nice. After that I got up and said goodbye to the three of them before going back in the school building.

Oli has been great these past few days. We weren't dating, that was for sure, but he really knew how to cheer me up since my other friends wanted nothing to do with me. I didn't even bother trying to talk to the others again; mainly because every time I'd see them in the halls they'd purposely avoid me. It sucked, but I converted my sadness into anger. Those three were now my enemies. They left me alone when I needed them the most and I was less than impressed.

There was something else that had been bothering me a lot. I've been observing Alex and Tay over the past few days whenever I see them. As far as I know, they haven't spoken to each other. They merely avoid each other's existence. Alex is too much of a coward to confront Tay and tell her exactly what's going on in his head, and Tay doesn't have the guts to talk to Alex either, so I thought I might do a little something about that. Yes, my intentions were to cause chaos. You don't just throw away my friendship and get away with it.

I walked into biology half way through the lesson with an innocent smile on my face. Everyone was where they had been on Monday. Alex and Mike were down the back with Tony and Jaime replacing mine and Tay's spots. Tay was over the other side of the class with Hayley, and in front of her was Jack Barakat. Perfect. That means she'll get a front row seat to my little show.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang