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Oli pinned my arms to the bed and looked down at me with a wicked smile. His eyes flicked down to my lips and his smile widened. Kiss me? Not kiss me? I didn't care. I could barely feel any of it. He did kiss me though, and I admit it was fun. It was nice knowing I was doing something, anything. At least I'm not one of those people that sit at home eating ice cream out of the tub and making depressing Facebook statuses after a break up. Instead I was with my, possibly unhealthy, distraction.

He let go of one of my wrists and slowly trailed his hand down my body. Being touched by him was okay, but it wasn't that fabulous. We lacked that spark, or maybe it was just me as a person being incapable of feeling anything good. He started to undo my jeans and still I felt nothing at all. I wasn't excited. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't anything.

We were suddenly interrupted by a knock on Oli's bedroom door. He pulled back, sighing dramatically. I felt the first emotion all afternoon; relief. I was glad he pulled back. Maybe I didn't want this. We spent most of night just making out, but it hadn't gone any further until just now. I was thankful for the interruption.

"This better be important," Oli called out. The door opened to reveal Matt and Jordan who weren't at all fazed by the position we were in.

"What is it?" he asked them in annoyance.

"Uh, did you forget our plans for tonight?" Matt asked. I looked at Oli as realization crossed his face. He groaned and buried his face in my neck.

"Yes I forgot," his voice was muffled, barely coherent, but they understood.

"Well are you coming or not?" Jordan asked. Oli pushed back up and looked at them.

"Not. Can't you see I'm a little busy?" Oli asked. The two other boys rolled their eyes. I kind of really wanted to get out of this situation and this looked like a good enough escape route.

"Wait, go where?" I asked them.

"We were going to go into the city and hit a few clubs," Matt said. I looked back at the frustrated Oli.

"We should go," I suggested. He looked to me, frowning.

"But I'm not done with you yet," he said, earning disgusted grunts from Matt and Jordan. I ignored them.

"There's plenty of time for that. I want to go out and have fun," I said. He looked like he didn't like the idea at all. Then again his erection was pushed firmly against my thigh so he had other things on his mind. He gave in though.

"Alright fine, do you still have your fake ID?" he asked. I nodded, smiling.

"Sure do,"

"Good," he said and turned his attention back to Matt and Jordan, "You two, out. We'll meet you downstairs," Matt and Jordan obeyed their master Oli and left the room. Oli looked down at me and pecked the tip of my nose.

"I get you all to myself afterwards, okay?" he asked.

I merely nodded. I knew that by the time we get back here, Oli would be too wasted to think about having sex with me. I probably couldn't hold off for much longer though. Oli was a very physical person so he's always going to try and get with me. Maybe I'd give in, maybe I wouldn't. Who knows? For today though I wasn't up for it. Instead the two of us got ready to go out with his friends. We swung by my house first so I could get my ID and change into some better clothes, then we were off in Jordan's car.


I had been to quite a few clubs around town before and it was the same at every one; loud music, sweaty bodies, and drunk people pushed up against each other. Oli and I had a bit of a system to get free drinks. We'd pinpoint a gay guy, flirt with them for a while, then they'd buy us drinks so we didn't have to waste our own money. We went to a couple of gay bars too, even though Matt and Jordan weren't gay, but they enjoyed the male attention.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now