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I guess you could say that sometimes I don't exactly fit into the right crowd. Sure, there are days where I'll be somewhat good and stay out of any serious trouble, but then there are days like today where I feel like being self-destructive and doing something that could not only get me into trouble with the school, but could also get me arrested. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I knew it was a bad idea but I suppose I simply didn't care.

So, instead of being a good student and going to my morning guidance counseling session with Vic, I found myself under the bleachers in the football field doing a little favor for Oli. After our afternoon activities yesterday he said that he was busy this morning but had to get some business done, and he's always been extremely persuasive, so that's why I'm here, meeting with the stoner kids, and dealing pot to them.

The transaction was almost made. They only wanted a little bit to last them through the weekend and I was about to hand it over when their eyes went wide as they looked behind me. I glanced back quickly and saw none other than Vic walking towards us.

"Shit," I muttered and turned back around. They had already scurried away, leaving me there holding the little plastic zip-lock bag full of weed. I sighed and turned around to face Vic. I lean against a pole and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You know, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were stalking me," I said. He scoffed as he marched over.

"Don't flatter yourself. You didn't show up to your session so I figured you were somewhere getting up to no good, and it looks like I was right," he said, and when he approached me he snatched the bag of weed out of my hand.

"That's not what it looks like," I said.

"Oh really?" he questioned.

"Yes really. That is oregano for cooking class," I lied, even though I knew he wouldn't believe me.

"You don't do cooking class," he said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, has someone been checking up on my schedule? What was that I was just saying about you being a stalker?" I asked and looked off into the distance thoughtfully.

"What are you doing with drugs?" he asked, ignoring my previous comment.

"Well I was about to earn a little bit of money, but then you just had to show up and ruin business," I said in an annoyed tone. I didn't just do this because Oli asked me too. I would have never agreed just because he asked me to do it, the persuasion he gave me however was a 40% cut of the profits so of course I said yes.

"Do you really think doing drugs, especially at school, is such a good idea?" he asked. Oh fantastic, here comes the lectures.

"I wasn't doing drugs, I was selling. And anyway, I really don't give a fuck if it's a good idea or not," I said and shrugged. This conversation was weird. The usual protocol would be that I got sent straight to the principal's office, but he hadn't done that yet.

"Listen, Kellin. Stop acting out because you want attention," he said.

"What?" I asked, practically laughing at the notion.

"You do stupid things that could get you into trouble. You try too hard to be a bad kid. It's because you crave attention although I haven't figured out why you do it in such an over-dramatic manner," he said. I hated when people do that; when they get all psychological on you. He doesn't know me so he has no right to make these assumptions.

"Whatever. You don't know anything about me," I muttered.

"Maybe not, but I know your type. Now come with me back to my office," he said.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now