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I guess after sleeping most of the day away in Vic's office now made me wide awake as the night went on. I was feeling a lot more like myself now. I even threw in a few flirtatious comments about Vic's appearance before he left to go wherever it was that he was going. I never asked because at the time it didn't really cross my mind. Of course he brushed the comments off with a roll of his eyes. Now I was in the Fuentes' living room playing video games with Mike. I kept glancing at the clock, waiting for Vic to come home. It was only approaching 10 o'clock though.

"Where is he anyway?" I finally asked Mike.

"Who? Vic?" he asked.


"He's at some party. Like a college party and people just out of college," he said. I frowned in confusion.

"Party? But you guys only just moved here so how does he even know anyone?" I questioned. He shrugged casually, paying more attention to the game than talking to me.

"A friend of his from high school moved here for college. He's throwing the party. I'm pretty sure Vic's just going to meet some new people, like make friends or whatever," he said, sounding completely disinterested.

This is what was running through my head; Vic was an attractive male going to a party with possibly other attractive males. He'll probably be drunk, letting his common sense falter and sooner or later he'll be in bed with someone. I didn't think that Vic would be the type of person to have a meaningless one night stand, but I wasn't about to sit around and let it happen. I know what I want and I want him, so I'm going to seize this opportunity and do something.

"Where is the party?" I asked. Mike, still focused on the game, didn't even question why I wanted to know.

"I dunno. The address is on the fridge," he said. I set my controller down and got up, going through to the kitchen. I found the post-it note on the fridge with an address. The place was only a couple of streets away from here. I was determined and possibly acting on impulse when I made my decision. I went back to the living room.

"We're going to this party," I told Mike. He finally gave me his full attention when he paused the game and looked up at me.

"Are you crazy?" he asked.

"No, we're going, or at least I am," I said.

"Why? Vic will see us and kick us out straight away," he said. I shook my head.

"No, he'll kick you out. He has no control over me. Are you coming?" I asked.

"This is a bad idea," he warned me, but I was already walking towards the door. I wouldn't let him stand in the way of what I wanted to do. He was either with me, or he could stay here. He ended up following me out of the house and we walked down the street.

"It'll be fun. As long as you don't drink then Vic can't have a reason to be mad," I reasoned.

"You don't know Vic like I do then. He's too protective of me. He barely lets me go over friend's places without practically interviewing them and their parents first. Plus, Vic doesn't really get much time to just be a 22 year old. He's always looking after me or working. He won't like that I'm there annoying him," he said. He needed to relax, to be honest.

"Stop over-thinking it. I'll keep him preoccupied so he won't even notice you there," I said. He made a sound of disgust.

"Gross," he muttered.

"What?" I asked.

"Your crush or whatever on my brother. It's weird," he said. I smiled at him.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked. He looked at me like I was crazy and nodded.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now