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Biology. I couldn't tell if I was looking forward to the class or not. Mr. Fuentes, or Vic as he told me to call him, is the teacher. On the one hand, something about Vic really bothered me. He was always snooping around in my life and I've only known him for a couple of days. Sure, it was his job, but it was still annoying, so the prospect of having to endure 45 minutes with him didn't sit well with me at all. On the other hand though I had this class with Alex and Tay, and classes with them are usually fun, and I didn't particularly mind biology.

"You didn't tell me how cute he was," Tay whispered next to me after Vic walked into the classroom. He didn't glance at any of the students, just strolled in confidently and went over to his desk to prepare himself for the lesson.

"Hey, hey, hey, no calling other dudes cute," Alex butted in. I looked at the two of them.

"And Vic is not cute anyway," I lied. I guess he was kind of cute.

"You're calling Mr. Fuentes, Vic? Wow, you'll have him in bed with you within a week," Tay teased with a wink. She was always like this, trying to push me together with another guy. I ignored her for the most part though.

"Yeah, sure, a 17 year old with a teacher. That could only end well," I said sarcastically. Tay went quiet for a moment as a thoughtful look crossed over her delicate features before she spoke once more.

"Is it true that you hooked up with McKinnon?" she asked. I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Where do you even hear these rumors?" I asked. She shrugged and smiled innocently.

"You're always flirting with him," she pointed out.

"I flirt with everyone," I said.

"Just teachers. I think you have a kink," she said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes and, wanting to prove her wrong, looked to the row of desks in front of me and spotted Jaime Hernandez. Jaime is the star quarterback and more or less the most popular guy in school. Sure, he was a jock and was currently sitting with his jock friends, but did that stop me from what I was going to say next? No.

"Hey Jaime," I got his attention. He turned to face me and so did some of his friends.

"Yeah, Quinn?" he asked.

"You're looking hot today. Have you been working out?" I asked. The line was really cheesy, but it got a smile out of him.

"Flattering as always, Kellin," he said as though he heard these types of things from me often, which he did. His friend sitting next to him, Tony, spoke up next.

"Aw man, why do you get all the attention from girls and gay guys?" he pouted.

"Aw Tony, don't be like that. You know where I'd like those pretty little lips," I flirted, causing him to smile and laugh. He turned to Jaime and smirked at him.

"Yeah, that's right, I can get both genders if I want as well," he said and Jaime just rolled his eyes.

Although both boys were completely straight, they weren't bothered by my comments. This is what I like about this school. I'm gay and everyone knows it, but they're also cool about it. I've never once gotten any snide comments around here and I'm not entirely sure why that was. Maybe it was because I was friends with everyone, including the football team who seemed to hold most power with the student body around here. Jaime and I knew each other all throughout school, although we were never really friends, just acquaintances, and I flirt with him and all the other guys constantly. I think everyone is so used to it now that they never think twice about it. Or maybe I'm just a lovable guy, not to sound too conceited.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now