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I walked into school the next day with a different attitude to yesterday. Yesterday I had let my guard down. I was vulnerable, weak and pathetic. I showed Vic another side to me; a side that I wanted to forget about and keep hidden. So today I was back to how I would usually act. I was feeling fun and somewhat flirtatious. I was going to put that mood to good use and had my sights set on Mr. Victor Fuentes.

I'm not stupid, I was fully aware that Vic had hesitated yesterday when I kissed him. He hadn't pushed me away quickly like a normal teacher would. He might not have kissed me back, but he sure as hell didn't try and stop me at first. Then afterwards he acted like a nervous teenager, stuttering and stumbling over rocks. I wasn't blind to what was happening right in front of me. I had a thing for him, and there was no doubt in my mind that he has a thing for me too. Why else would he act like he cares about me so much? Why would he be so interested in my life? Why would he want me to stay the night last weekend? Why did he hold my hand? And most importantly, why didn't he push away? It was just so obvious to me that he must be into me too. In my mind, my suspicions were confirmed when he sent a student to my first period class the next day to tell me to go and see him. I didn't have a session with him today and if he wanted to talk then he could have pulled me aside during lunch or wait until our next session, but no, he wanted to see me bright and early where we could talk alone.

As I was walking towards his office I wondered what he'd say to me. He was the professional and responsible type so my guess would be that he'd try and play it off as if it were nothing; a simple mistake. That wasn't the way I did things though, at least, when it comes to guys. When I want a guy, you better believe I'll do something about it and I won't stop until I get him.

When I got to the door to Vic's office I knocked, waited two seconds before getting impatient and opened the door. I looked inside, but it was empty, so I let myself in. I strolled over to the desk, walking around it so I got to Vic's chair and sat on it. I spun around in it as I waiting for him to get here. I looked at his desk. It was perfectly clean and everything was set out nicely, much unlike my old guidance counsellor who would have half empty cups of coffee everywhere as well as student's files laying open.

The door opened, stopping me from actually going snooping. I spun around to face it and smiled when I saw Vic standing there. He was, well, hot, like I expected. He was wearing skinny jeans, like normal, and a shirt which wasn't exactly in good taste. It actually looked hideous, but on him it looked good.

"Hey handsome," I said, smiling. He glanced away nervously before looking back, acting more confident.

"Sit over there," he ordered and pointed to my usual seat. I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout.

"But I like it here. There's plenty of room for the both of us," I flirted. He sighed and came towards me, stopping next to the chair. I spun a little so I was facing him.

"Up, now, and over there," he said in a demanding tone.

"Make me," I teased, grinning wider. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at him playfully.

"Kellin, I told you, no more of this," he said. I could tell I was maybe pushing a little too much, so I let up a little.

"Alright, I'm going," I said. I stood up, keeping my body close to his. He looked uncomfortable as he manoeuvred around me and sat in the chair. I went to the other side of the desk, plopped down and smiled innocently.

"So, why have you summoned me?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you about yesterday," he said in a tone that was all too professional.

"What about yesterday?" I asked, playing dumb. He looked a little annoyed at the question. I knew I was playing with fire right now, but what can I say? I guess I liked fire.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now