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It had been a couple days since I was last alone with Vic and I've gotta say, the sexual tension was really getting to me. We barely talked and instead communicated with looks. Every time I'd see him in the halls he'd give me this look like he wanted to push me against the lockers and kiss me, or at least that's what I wanted him to do. Since I could never get him alone I was stuck with my intense daydreams about him. It drove me insane just thinking about these things and not being able to act on them.

Take right now for instance, I was sitting in Biology and Vic was talking about God only knows what. I was less preoccupied with what he was saying and more focused on how damn hot he looked today. I thought about wrapping my legs around him as picks me up and presses me against the board to fuck me. My skin was hot and my breathing heavy. This is what he does to me. I get put into this trance where the only thing I think about is fooling around with him.

And then something happens that brings you back to reality; like the school bell ringing to indicate it was time to leave. I snapped out of my daze and looked around. I was a little paranoid that someone might have known what I was thinking about, but everyone was none the wiser. I was about to get up with my friends and leave the classroom when I realized I had a problem. I looked down at the front of my jeans. It was quite a big problem. I couldn't leave class with an obvious bulge in my jeans.

"Kellin, are you coming?" Alex asked.

"Coming? Am I...Am I coming? What are you-" I stopped myself, clearing my mind of all dirty thoughts, "Oh right, coming with you to the next class. Yeah, class. You know what, I actually have to talk to Fuentes' about something first so you just run along now."

He gave me the weirdest look. He probably thought I was insane. I pulled myself closer to the desk so he wouldn't notice the problem.

"Uh, okay, see you later then." He said dismissively before walking out along with Tay and Mike. The class cleared out and I stayed put. Vic's eyes landed on me in a questioning look. I smiled innocently. How the hell am I going to get out of this one? Once everyone was gone Vic walked over to me.

"You know, the bell means you can leave." He said.

"Well, maybe I'm having too much fun and don't wanna leave." I suggested. He smiled but it was clear he didn't buy it. He stopped at the end of my desk and looked down at me with his arms crossed.

"What's up, Kellin?" He asked. Just my dick.

"Nothing." I said quickly.

"Why aren't you going to class?" He asked. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at him innocently. I was sure there was a pink blush forming on my cheeks.

"Wait...stand up." He said. Oh great, he knows.

"I'd rather not." I said casually. He smiled, a little evilly I must say, and put his hands on my desk, leaning over me.

"You wanna know what I think?" He asked.

"Yes, I wanna know what you think." My voice dripped with sarcasm.

"I think...that all that eye fucking you gave me in class had a bit of an effect on you." He said in a low voice. Yeah, he definitely knows what my problem is. Was I really that obvious?

"Oh, so you noticed that then, huh?" I questioned.

"Noticed? It was hard not to." He said. I smiled because that meant he was probably thinking about the same things I had.

"Well...I couldn't quite help myself. You don't have a class next, do you?" I asked.

"No." He said warily.

The Trouble On Your Lips (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now