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"Will you,Kim Liz or known as Angel of the darkness"He pause to smile brightly ."Agree to be my best friend till we both die?!"He held his right hands out...

"I will let me go ..." I walked close to the edge of the roof of the school ...

"People want to make my life hell...Well I'm going to take the control of my life at this moment..." I lift my both arm to the sky...

"But not that way,Angel!" He grab my arm and pull my body toward his...Making my head face his chest as he put one hand on back of my head. 

"PLEASE DON'T I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITHOUT YOU !!!" He cried out ...Letting all those emotion go..and so am I.

"I-I need to end it right now  !" I look at the blue sky that had been so clear. 

" I want you to get better" He calming spoked as he walked closer to me.

"I can't let go of the past!!!" I cried out....

I just can't do it  ...I have been through this feeling for so long that ...Its hurt to even breathe ...I need to end it...My Mother and Father don't even care about it  When I died...Closely to my beautiful life.....The only people who will care are my crushes  and now my soulmates...I'm sorry..


It's was dark and cold...

*sniff, sniff, sniff*

"Oh my...Please stop!" a 5 year-old repeatly cried out to dark figure in an corner.

"I don't want to hurt you but you left me no choice...But to hurt you!"A husky voice can be heard but it hard to locate where it coming from.


 The person is coming close ...Please don't hurt! All  I wanted to was to hide...Leave this place...It scary for me...

"Don't!"  The boy  stood up and block him from me...Thank you....I owe for my life...


The boy flinched as I do the same...

I moved back a bit as my heart start to pound fast...

"Don't hurt him!" I spoke." Hurt me ! Don't try to harm him! " I stood up and put myself in front of the boy and the man.

"Oh you think your tougher than me ? " He chuckles. " I'm taller than you and your just a little brat that dependes on your parent!" He hits somethings metal that make a scary sound that frighting the boy and I.

"I'm just little kid! What did you think? I'm not who you think !" I said in my big girl voice...

"Oh, You think that you got this all figure out,uh?" He bends down to be same size as me and his hands lands on my hair... "Oh darling, You don't know a thing!" He rise his arm in the air.


He froze as his expression turned into bitterness.

"Jake! I told you that you will be able to enjoy her later!" I started to shake..,

Not again...NO!

No one reply to his comment and that where the man gotten worried...Pacing back and forth...

He walks to the door and turns the knob to reveal a group of men and women with weapons in their hands...

I gasped to the revealed...It worked! I was able to get the police to come to save us! I was holding the urge to celebrate such accomplishment
My body started to shake uncontrollably!
"Whats going on with me" I cried out as Thing turned black quickly!
" Officer Calen, Call the ambulence!"
*Few hours later*  
My eyes slowly open as it view was really different from what I recalled when I blackout...ehat going on!? I looked everywhere to see that I was plug with bunch machines!
*present time*

The winds as warm as it surrounded with every inches of my body.
Hearing his screams faint as I closer near to the ground!
"I need to do it!" I said in softly voice as I close my eyes with the desire to "Liz!" A group of people yelled loudly but I couldn't dare to look  at it...

"Call 911!"Someone call out as they must have noted that this wasn't like a scene in movies.

My body crash into something  but Im not quite sure that I died nor land in the floor...

Slowly opening my eyes as I look around I was on top of some sort sheet and people were carry me  towards the ambulance .

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