Game on!!

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Sally POV
"She has been stealing hearts. She took mine boy!! She is a boyfriend stealer" I could feel my face heat up as I yelled at a group of girls from our school.

"She's a boyfriend stealer!", "Let drag her into the mud!",  and "Give her a taste of  the pain she had inflicted on us!" All were chanted by all of them. 

I hated her since  I met her. She was cute and happy girl. I had more to offered for him. I saw my babe in the street crying. I help him out because someone bullied him 'cause he hang out with her. I told him to ignore her and he did. I was able to control him and turn her life into a living hell. I never even liked Eduardo to be with. It's all a shit show to see her crumble into a sad loser.The plans got the wrong turn cause I end up falling for him. So, I made sure to make him hate her. It work till now since he  sees the real feeling are for her and not me. I try to see her as the loser. 

"Get her!!!" I yelled. I saw her being dragged by Jack. We all run behind jack supposed to drag her into a dead end.  As we ran to catch them up, Jack lost his grip on her and she tries to make a run.  She only had to run toward the dead end since we were blocking it. 

" Oh darling, you can not escape for us now!" I tease her as she walks backward. 

"Please, let-" I cut her off by faking a punch at her dumb face.

"Let's show her that our men are ours!" I commanded at them. 

We close the gap between us and proceed to start kicking her. 

She raises her hand as if she wants to fight back. 

"S-" Jack punches her face knocking her down to the ground.

" Stop! don't do that "Angel  visibly angry storms toward us.
One person against us, please. 

"It got to be a joke -" Someone's body pushed me to the ground.
He had punched Jack's face, who was supposed to shield me from harm. Everyone else just stops and back away. 

Angel is the principal's son meaning he had this aura that everyone did not want to infrared with him  but I don't give a shit over that.

"That's all you got?" Mocking him should have made him angry toward me. 

" Liz...You always deal with problems by yourself, huh?" He kneels to pick her unconscious body up. 

"This is not a movie!" I remark on his actions but he seems to be focused on her and only her.

"Fine, play the hero for her," I said as he passed by, "But you still have blood in your hands."

He stop for just a sec before continue his way.

The group was dying to get them but I raised my hand to stop them. 
Game on, Liz. Get ready storm is coming.

She will pay for this. She stole him from me.

Sorry for the short chapter but I have writers stuck today. bye.

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