Recovered memories

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Memories were meant to remember but what if those memories aren't  the best?

The doctors tell me that I went into a coma because I remember something that I shouldn't have. I have in come for few weeks and I guess that the fear that I won't wake up and would stay like that for a long time from before.

The funny thing is that I don't know what memory was it but they say that better.

When I woke up I saw Bennet and others in my room but I couldn't realize that I was in hospital 'till I saw machines in the room.I started to cry and I didn't know why.

Then, I remember it clearly and I wished I didn't. 

It was raining and mother was holding my hands.We didn't have an umbrella but we weren't wet.

"Angel, Let's go to buy a present for you since you earn straight A's for this year."Mother smiled and hold my hands.

"Okay, mommy!"I  followed her to a room.

"Wait here, Okay"Mother went to other room and someone came back into this room but it wasn't mommy.

"Who are you?" I asked and looked around the room and there weren't many things expect a Tv and Sofa.

"I'm boyfriend of your mother"

"What? A what to my mommy?"The guy pushed me to the sofa and start to take my clothes off.

"What the hell are you doing to her!!!" Mother pulled the guy off of me and start to beat him.

 I wasn't shooked to remember that but I can't understand why my mother hates me even what happened to me.

Can't she understand or she fears that I could spill the beans out?

"Liz, you're here!I got scared that they transport you to another room since you have woken from the coma."Father spoke as he sits on the chair next to my bed.

"Oh, The doctor told me that I can't be moved since their too many tests to be done to determine if I am physically and mentally ready to leave."Father sat cross of my bed and pat my hair.

"My little angel...Am so sorry that I haven't paid attention to you and mother...Please, Forgive me..."Tears slowly fell to the cheeks of father.I guess he really felt sorry, I do wish my father paid more attention to me and mother.

I can't really collect the thing that happened to me this school year

The time pasted so fast that I have almost survive this school year but I can't decide whom to marry.
Mother is still forcing me but I won't do it.
Father has a plan to make those word stick into her mind.
I hope it would work out.

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