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The day was closer but I couldn't say I do to anyone.
I started to think more than ever about really anything.
I will zone out for a long time.
Lost boy and I been catching up on the lost time but things seem more confusing than before.I don't why I feel so lonely even though people that love me are around me but something is off.I feel the pressure of choosing someone to marry me but I don't want to marry at this time of my life.

"Lizzy, What's in your mind that is taking you far away from me"Bennet been trying to talk to me about a school project that is due for the month.

"N...Nothing."I looked at the books that once made me so glad to learn something new but now thing seen worthless.

"Oh no, It going to rain.Do you have an umbrella?"Raindrop started to drop like tears from a sad person.I looked at them like the best thing as if it was a rare thing to see.

"Yeah, I have one...Um, I need to go home ."I packed my thing and headed to the park near my house.

"Raindrops are falling on my head" I sang as I sat on the swings.

"Why are you here?" A figure walked out from the trees and started to whistle.

"Why are you here without anyone?"The figure walked closer to me but stop and looked to the left.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Would you believe me if I told?"The figure responded in a whispered voice and continued to walk closer to me.

"My name is Angel ."Shive ran throughout my body and I quickly go off the swing.

"Why are you here?"

"Why do seem so sad?"Andrew was now few inches away from me.

"why do you care?"I started to walk away from him but stopping inside of me want to believe that he won't hurt me but things aren't the same as before.

"I care about you and you know that you still have feelings for me" He walked closer to me but for every step he took... I took two steps away from him.

"I don't have feelings anymore..."Now, I started to run away from him, everyone, home, and from Andrew.The rain starts to pour harder than before. The clothes seem heavier than before but I ran faster 'till I ended up in my House.
" Bennet, Bennet?! " No response. No noise.No one.
I rushed to my closet and grab a shoes box.
Two razors , rope , and few letters from those whom died is what is hidden in their.
"Am sick of this world. I never asked to be born in the first placed." I whispered
  My hand touched the cold blade from the razor and looked at the stain of my blood.
It been so long and I can't stop my self nor anyone.
"No one would care. I can't take the pressure any longer.It's my fault for being weak and not strong enough to handle it.It's mine fault!!!"
I took of my sweater and rolled my sleeves.
My scars is gone from others eyes but I can see them clearly and it reminds me of my flaws.
"Sorry. Am so sorry." The blade made connect with my skin and slowly cut my skin.
"Slowly, so the effect can last longer."
The door opened and footsteps is heard.
"Oh no...What  have I done!" Tears are running in our cheeks.
"Lizzy! No!You promise me!Lost girl!" Voice became only a noise.
Things started yo blur and the noise become hard to hear and understand.People mouth opened but I could hear what are they saying.
Slowly the colors became black.
"Lizzy! Hang on!"
He voice is what would make me live longer...
Maybe,I could stay little longer but only for him...

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