The last breath?

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The cold wind hits my body and the sun is slowly appearing.
The people are running to work or school.The mother's dropping their kids.

My feet are touching the cold floor at the edge of the roof.

People wouldn't notice if I was gone.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't you but me." Tears start to flow down my cheeks.

"I have given people signs of that I'm not okay and they ignore them.I did want to come here but I have no choice but to leave."

" Save me," I half yelled as I let my right leg  touch the air..."Give me a reason to...stay alive !"
I started to sob as thoughts were everywhere.
Memories rushed through my head as if that would stop me from committing self death. 
The once smile that was in my younger self  was replaced with a lonely girl without a day of living with her demons.She will be fighting without anyone noticing.

Everyone dies one day and people would mourn but as time passes they would forget about once living people.

Cold air filled with bliss hit my entire body but that did not stop tears from appearing.

The door had been opened and I was about to push myself but I just couldn't...I guess it's a sign that someone cares.
My heart raced as footsteps sounded closer.

*Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap*

" Don't do it?"I turned to see that one person that talked to me and my body stopped.

"Before I leave... I want to know your name."He was a foot away from me. I just want to end it but without people in the way.

"My real name is Ricardo. Please don't leave me.Everyone needs you in this world. If you commit suicide...Their not turning back for you... Please stay with me...Please stay"He took a few steps towards  me and  he kept talking.

"My real name isn't Liz... I had to live with someone else's name to live...My real name is Angel.I have used it to cover myself up 'cause if you search me up...I won't be here now..."I said as I sat down but I won't give up on my plan.

"I knew it.I was there when they changed your name.I couldn't let you go.I have to live with my username to find you but I'm going to lose you.I won't let that happen."He said but he was not looking at me but the sky.

"You said that the sky would be your grave"How does he know that when I have burned them a long time ago.

I once had a diary where I would spill my emotions out but it became kinda dangerous to have it because of the fear of  the followers of Eduardo's finding it was causing headache 

"you think you burned them but you couldn't do it 'cause in their, it held something very important to you."He walks closer and he touches my cheeks.He had a smile on his face. 

"Do I look familiar?"

"W...what do you mean?" I replied as I looked closer to him. He wasn't wearing his normal clothes at all but he was wearing ripped jeans and a T-shirt that said 'Sleeping with sirens'.His hair was dye in color of black.He changes into my clothes style.

"Ricardo...Why aren't you wearing the rich kid look?"He chuckled and smiled even more.

"I lied about everything to get close to you.You may not remember me at all. You wouldn't come close to me if we had the same style because we are different. 'Cause in the end it doesn't matter." Why is he saying this and right now?

"The black dog is with you."He pointed to my bracelet.
It was a gift from some gamer...I was a gamer for a few um...years. I look up the meaning behind the black dog.
The black dog symbolizes depression.
"That  gamer was you?"He looks at the bracelet and smiles.
"Ricardo I... Thank you." He pulled me to his chest and placed his hand  on my back.

"When you say 'I'm fine'. You really meant 'Save me'.I heard you screaming for help but you don't really want to be helped."He whispered as he started to breathe heavily.

"You are right about everything but one thing...I found a reason to live but I need to enjoy myself."
A/N: The lost boy's identity is known!
Or is it really him?

What an unpredictable twist?!
I hope you like the story so far.

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