Angel?Who are you?

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I woke up in a room with a large deck and a large TV.
"Where am I?" I said
I heard a door opening. Who is it? Did they kidnap me? Why am wearing boy clothes?
"Hey, Liz. How are you doing?" Angel asked.

Am fine but Where did my clothes go and how did I get here? When did you come here?

"Fine but what happened to me and my clothes?" I ask him. I am worried that he lied to me. I don't know if I could be held that news. It is much for me!
"When I found you. Your clothes were full of blood and paint. So, My mom takes them off and puts my clothes on your body. Also, Why are there so many cuts on your arms?"He said to me.

 Shit.NO! Why didn't I protect myself more?

" Are  those blood from me ?"I ask him.
" Yes. Your ribs are broken. Also, Why didn't you ask for help? What happened?" Am I being scolded by this young man! Even my parent won't care about a cut in my arms...but again my parents aren't human beings...
"How long I have been here?What about my parents?" I tried to change the topic.
"Um. I call your mom and told her that you are sleeping over with a friend and she was happy and yelled that it is okay. You have been here for 6 days" he said.

So, I miss 6 homework and class work. Shit, They must have beat me up badly. This is new? Why do they change their habits? They beat me up badly and I stay home for 3 days but never this bad. When I met hoped things will become ugly.

"What about my homework?" I ask him.
"Don't worry. I did them and did the next week's homework too. Since you got to rest. Okay!" He said. Why do I feel like am being scolded? Ash. I don't want to be around anyone but I don't know how to say it!
"Um. thanks," I looked at my arms but those words aren't fully thanked.
Why is he helping me? Do his parents know that am here? I can't stand being here any longer but I can't move since every single thing feels like I have stepped on broken glass.
"Why am I here? Do your parents know that am here? "I said looking at him.
" Yup. They know you're here as a guest. They think that we are a couple..... My mom suggested that you shouldn't cut yourself. You know self-harm isn't the answer to problems. Also, Why do you cut yourself? Is it because those "people" hit you? He said with worry in his eyes.

Did he care about me?... Why do his parents think we are a couple? I don't know if I could trust him with my secret life? As if the timing was right, A lady bursts into the room with a bowl of something and a glass of water.

"Hello, am angel mom but you can me call mom." She said with a sweet real smile. Not like those mother at school that tries to fake till their kids are gone for 8 hours.
"Um..why do you think we are a couple?" I said without thinking.
Angel's mom looks stunned by my words. Angel looks so ashamed. Why is he ashamed?
"Did Angel tell you that? you see, Angel isn't so honest sometimes. Angle, How did you know what was I thinking!" Angel's mom said while glaring at Angel. Angel's reaction to this was amusement He looks like someone read his life! I didn't know why and when but I start to laugh because of his facial expression
"Why are you laughing at me" he whines. It was a bad idea 'cause I laughed even harder but I stop due to the pain that I felt.
"Ouch!!!!!" I cried. I start crying and sobbing. Angel's mom left in hurry.
"Don't cry, sweetheart! You making my heart hurt.Don't cry." Angel said with tears in his eyes.
I immediately stop crying and look at him. Why do I feel pain when he cried?

"Here, drink this. It will reduce the pain" Angel's mom said while handing me a pill and water. I quickly took it.
"Why you're you crying, angel?" Both of them said together
Angel looks at us with a confusing look. He looks so cute!
"You look so cute with that expression on your face. Aww," I said again without thinking.
Angel look dumbfounded by my words. Angel's mom just smiled. She looks so happy.

 She hugs me and said"You're right. When he is confused about something he looks cute!"
"Mom, I don't look cute. I look ugly" he said. His mom took her phone out and shows us a picture of him looking confused.
"Can you send me those!" I said while looking for my phone. 

My life. 

My everything. 

In that phone, has my life before and now memories. I have a photo of Eduardo when he was a nice kid.
"Um..where is my phone?" I ask in a panicked voice.
"Oh, I found it but it was cracked. So, I send it to be fixed" He said with guilt in his voice. I hope he didn't see anything there. On my phone, it is where I get to see the past that once was easy to live.
"How did you find me?" I ask him. I don't know what happens after I saw the darkness.

"So, I was walking to my locker and people started to yell" Get Her!".I turn to where the voice was coming from and I saw your run for life. I thought you were running away from the scene but a Huge group of people was running towards you. They were carrying paint and some of them looked as if they were forced to run. I followed them. They lead me to you but it was too late." He pauses to take a deep breath. 

" I found you and a guy named Eduardo. He said that you deserve the pain and he left with tears on his face. I wanted to beat his ass but you look like you were in so much pain. You had tears on your cheek. I call you but you didn't respond. I got scared so I called my mom because she is a doctor. She said That you had broken ribs and that you have to stay in a peaceful place. I know that you're cut shown that your house isn't clam. So, I did anything in my power to make you stay in my house and my room." He said with a REAL smile. He hugged me and told me to not worry anymore because he is my angel of light.
"Thank you. You didn't leave. You stay with me. Thank you. Also, This is your room! Omg, Am in the room, Andrew !!!" I tease him. His face turned red like a tomato. I took a phone and took a picture of him. He looks at me with a confusing face. I took another.
"Stop, making cute faces! Why are you look so cute!?" I wined and showed him a photo of being cute.
"I don't look cute! I look so ugly!! Why people are being mean to me mommy!!" He complained.
"You are cute and handsome. Also, come here to pick up the clothes for your girlfriend" His mom yelled from somewhere in the House.
"You have a Girlfriend! Can I meet her?!!" I yelled enough for him to only hear.
"Yes.You already meet her!" He said pointing at the bed.What???
"Your girlfriend is the bed?"I said trying to not laugh.I failed, I laughed so hard. He looks so worried.
"Don't laugh hard or you going to hurt your ribs.I know my son is a clown but calm down." His mom said as she carried three bags.
"So, The girlfriend of Angel is the bed!" I chuckled.
"Nope. It is you!" She said."What?" I respond to her.
"You didn't tell her about it!Andrew!!" She scolds him as a  kid that forgot how to open a door.
"When you sleeping .you kept saying that angel you're my boyfriend and my mom heard that you say these words only." He said as if someone expose him.
" Oh" I can't tell them the real story behind that.I can't.I  must never tell anyone about it.
His mom left and said these clothes are for me.
"Um...Why did you say those words" He looked at my eyes and something inside of me moved by his eyes?My heart started to race.

Boom, Boom, Boom

Before I could say something.I felt lips against mine.But I didn't feel disgusted or hateful.

I felt fireworks.I can't like him. 

I would hurt him...I always hurt those around me.

"Am sorry " I pull away from his lips.

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