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Liz POV:
(Time skip)
It has been three months since that tragic event. I have been busy with moving into Angel's house. My parents were surprised to see no scars on my arms. After moving in, Bennet and I hang out and discuss what we were before the whole game started. 

A suicide pack is what we have agreed on since we are indeed targets for the players.  

 Eduardo keeps sending flowers every day. It is annoying to a point that I grab the flower and throw it at him. Angel has been busy lately. He was maybe he is trying to catch up since he missed a month of school for an unknown reason. Also, Hope being grumpy and bossy lately. What's wrong with them?

I can't really pay mind to Hope since she will just get defensive.

"Miss Liz," The math teacher repeated.
"Yes," I glare at her. The famous glare of a dark angel.
"Um...can help Bennet with his work?" She said as she looked down.
"Sure" Why he keeps doing this to me? He always answers right but he keeps pulling me towards him.

I really missed my old routine within the classroom setting. No one bother me or tried to get on my nerves constantly.

Bennet is irksome!

"Why do you keep asking for help? When you get all the answers right?" I interrogated him.

I could be in dreamland but no... He ruins this. The next class got to get ready because I will be grumpy. They will find out why they called me the angel of darkness.
"Sorry that I want to hang out with Lizzy" he expressed in a childlike tone.
"Sorry, but it will be your fault that the next class will find out why they call me the angel of darkness," I said in a cold tone as I laid my head down.

"Lizzy, why do they call you angel of darkness?" He said in a worried tone.
"In my freshmen year, A girl tried to poison my food but I found out. So, I switch my food with hers when she didn't notice. When she ate her food, her face got red and swollen. She spent weeks in the hospital but she never told anyone what happened. She becomes mute. After that people call me Angel of darkness because I look innocent and weak but am evil and strong" I said as I slowly sleep. People don't bother me a lot since that day. I don't want to use it for everything. I use it when it is an emergency.

" Why are you so evil?!" Bennet said as he was going to sleep too.
"Class over" the teacher yelled.
"Why so fast?" Bennet and I choir at the same time.

 I packed up my books into my backpack and headed to the next class.

I was a few steps away from my next class when a little girl with cards.

Really Eduardo... Using a little girl to charm me?

"Miss Angel, the cards hold the truth of your " good "boyfriend's reason why he missed school," She explained, " I am sorry but I got paid with big bucks."

I grabbed the cards but looking closer it was photos. Photos showing my best friend and boyfriend lovely Dovey and kissing.

" Angel..." Bennet patted my head.

I walked to the door of the class sobbing like a baby. 

Bennet steps in front of the door and lifts my head.

"Bennet let me enter the class...I am okay" 

 I stood shaken with anger and worry. Since my worst nightmare is becoming true. I started to cry as I walked to my next class.  I wipe the tears with my sleeves as I enter. Not wanting attention towards me.

"Ms.Kim, you are late because of that you going to work the next month," He said. Ha. I have done next the three months.
"Ms.Kim, why are you smiling," He asks with anger.
"Mr.James, I have that work four weeks ago," I said as I seated in my chair.
"Oh, Sorry," He said looking down.
"It okay," I said with a sweet tone.'Cause if I did the teacher will get bullied since I talked back and won.
While Mr. James was teaching the class, I opened the cards and couldn't take the news. It had a picture where my "good" boyfriend cheated with my "BFF". Why?
" Ms.Liz, are you okay ?"Mr. James asks.
" N.No.Can I use the bathroom "I ask with a simulated smile.
" Sure" he reacted as he continues his class. I walk towards the bathroom but quickly headed to the school library.

The library is like a home to me since here is where I can hide from the world.

"Lizzy!" Someone called. Bennet?

"Did you find out?" I just nod with tears slowly flowing down my face.
"Come on," He said as he pulled me towards the romance section.
"Are you okay?" Bennet asked. He pulled out chocolate. He hands it to me and I take it.
"No. Why? Why did he do this to me? Why she did do this? I fucking open up to him. I adore him. He broke me." I said sobbing and eating chocolate. My heart is broken. I give my heart to him but he broke it.
"Lizzy, I think he and hope planned this." He said as he took one of my chocolates.
"What?" I ask.
"Well... A girl hands me a letter," he said as he took a paper...
Hey readers, I hope you like this chapter.😇😊
Sorry if there a grammar errors.

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