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Author POV
When Liz was found they knew she never will be the same person.
Liz was taken to the ER to be checked.
Fortunately, she was confirmed not raped.
They clean her scars and let her sleep for the night.
Liz didn't sleep soundly but replayed the moment over and over.Constantly scream for help and cry throughout the night.
"Liz, Good morning" Bennet stay and isn't going to leave ever again.
Liz tried to talk but couldn't as it affected her ability to talked.
She really sees the point of it 'cause she cried for help but no one helped. She felt as if no one cares at all since Cameron nor he was there.
"I love you" were what she wanted to say that night to Bennet that was the reason that she wonders away from the club was that she wanted to make sure, what she felt is love as a lover or a friend.
As days past, the more confused she was.
"Where do I go from here" she keeps thinking.
They went to therapy every day for an hour session. They have grown stronger and soon Liz was able to talk.
The first thing, she said was I love you to Bennet. That day was the day when Hope died from committing suicide.
Two weeks from the wedding day
It coming closer!!!
I can't wait for wedding day!!
I wanted to scream of happiness but I couldn't since am in class.
"Liz, can you please explain the reason why would someone harm them self and say what you want to say "
Thing got better since therapy, I could cry all I wanted and expressed my feelings to no one judge me.
"Someone will harm themselves because they face problems with no one  Or they feel useless, worthless, or it their way to escape the pain in their lives.Sometimes it causes from abuse, bullying and the feeling of loneliness.Self-harming isn't caused by just anything but by mental illness.It could be prevented by treating the mental illness...This were some reason that People will do self-harm. Some of the reason was the cause of my self-harm but now am better and stop harming myself but I didn't always cut myself. I..I sometimes pushed my body to the limited like I would workout till I couldn't walk.There were times that I would Faint or passed out after those workouts. S...Sometimes, I thought to let the darkness win but then I wanted to know how being in the light would feel like. " The class was silent for few moments but soon started to clap but other stayed speechless. Some asked forgiveness that I gladly forgive them. Very few knew what was happening in my mind.Those who knew keep t..heir  mouth shut but I didn't the reason why though.

  It was part of the treatment for me to seal that part of life.It has been awhile since I felt this happiness inside of myself.I would make sure I won't go back that place.
I throw the ball to a castle where an angry king and fake princess lived. I had to become their slave to get to play with it but a runaway slaved save me and took the ball out the palace. I could see the light forever.

"Liz, why are you smiling? Do I make you smile?What did Cameron do now?" Cameron... Holy...
"Surprise" Cameron throw a bucket of melt chocolate and giant marshmallow to Bennet that cover him with sweets.
"Yummy" I ate a marshmallow with chocolate.
Soon everyone did the same as Cameron took a photo of Bennet looking scared of people to eat from him.
"You shouldn't be happy," said someone with a husky voice. Like in the movies, We all turned to the direction of the voice slowly.
"What? Did you really think I will give up?Sorry but am not giving up? Angel, You can't be happy without me!" That voice... Belonged to the voice that leads me to this place.
That made me fall more than one. Who said loved me.
"I...." I was interrupted by Andrew
"Where is that Angel that once loved me that made me feel like am in the cloud"He walked closer to me. Things seem too dark as fear build up fast as I started to panic.
"Am sorry that am happy with Bennet"
I don't really know why do I make Liz faint a lot in the story so far but soon you will understand.
I was thinking to add Cameron more since he makes me laugh a lot as I write about him.
I hope you love this!
Lizzy loves yah!

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