The storm is coming?

11 0 0

As I dragged my body to Class, Someone gives me flowers. At first, I thought it was Angel but  It said 'Your mine. I end up giving it to the Spanish teacher. She is nice. I took a seat next to transfers. This school lost 65 students in two years. Some transferred and Others lost the game. Who are the last two? Am one of them but who is the other though?
"Hello, My name is Bennet," A guy with blue eyes said to me. He looks familiar too. 

Can he be been one of the guys that beat me up every 11th of the month?

 Yes. That day was the month when the first victim killed herself from their "game". She was so nice and smarter than me. We stuck together and studied together since Hope doesn't study. That day I lost another friend. She kills herself. When they raped her. Those who were a part of this crime went to jail for 4 months. It wasn't "enough evidence," They said. I promised to win this game. Slowly people took their lives after dealing with tricks from the "hunters".  I miss those who I knew but I know they fought to not go to that solution.  Some were the top students. 

Who is the other one in this game?
Bennet remained me of someone but I can't determine who was it.

"Hi, my name is Liz" I respond with a sweet tone. Normally, I will give them the look 'I will kill you if you dare to interpret my sleep time' look but I didn't since he seems kind and caring. I make sure am at least six weeks ahead of the class but now am four weeks ahead. You may be wondering why. I like to sleep more than another living thing on this planet. Am the sleeping queen! Also, My brain needs a break.
I slowly fall into dreamland. I  have the dream that Angel was making out with someone another girl. 
"Liz...The class finish" Someone shook me. I slowly open my eyes to see him. My betrayal, jerk, fuckboy, and played ex-Friend. Yes, he is a player since 7th grade he will be in a relationship within a relationship. Some say that he is a fuckboy too.
"Leave me alone," I said as I stood up to take my things. He never changes, will he? He can be nice but there will always be a catch...
Am late... Am late .....Shit, I forgot my textbook.


Hello, Who is this "I ask.

" It parker, Come to the back of the school. I have a gift for you, angel" he hangs upI don't know if I could trust himHe has been nice lately but it has been so weirdHe hugs me and he even carries my bag. So, I  had to skip school, and do has been told.
"Hello, Angel," Parker said with a sweet tone but something wasn't right. He pushes me to the wall. My heart was racing not with happiness but fear.

 "W...What are you doing?" I stuttered as looking away from his face.
"Why are you looking away?" He said stern tone that made me jump. 

"You told me not to make eye contact... R...Remember?" I  mumbled . It has been a good life of playing the victim in the game of life.
"WHAT! Why is the lying to me? To your BFF?" he said as he grabs my arms. He pulled my sleeve up that expose my cuts. He look at them with disbeilf. He had actual emotion... I don't believe or trust them since it has to be  fake. It was a trap.

"Is this a trap?" I whisper to myself. He was about to open his mouth but interpreted by sally and her followers.
"Sweetheart, Thank you for helping me. Your the best" She said in this aggravating tone. Please tell me that she got new ways to beat the crap out of me. It is a way.
"It been awhile, Did you miss me?'Cause you're flirting with my bf!" She yells. She signaled  to her follower beat me up. Parker just stand there like always.
First, They grab me and hit me against the wall. Then, kick and punch me till I faint. Am done with this bullshit! I can't fight them nor join them.
<end of flashback>

I walked towards my last class.MATH! The worse way to end the day.
"Good morning class, Today you will be partnering up. Before you chose whom will be your partner. I already partner you  " She said as groans faded. Shit, I will end up doing all the work.
"Liz and Cameron," She said as she points to the seats in the back of the class.
"Hi," He says as he takes a seat next to me.
"Hi," I said as I start to work on the problems. After 12 mins, I finally finish the classwork So, so I end sleeping more.
"Wake up, Liz," Someone said shaking me again.Can't anyone let a nerd sleep?
"Um.....No.Let me sleep," I said sleepily.
"Um.Sorry but I need help"Someone that really wants to die said.
I opened My eyes to see Cameron looking stressed about this problem. He got this right so why bother me? He has been trying to say sorry but I don't remember if he ever bullies me. He didn't seem to be one of the Weird. Why worry then?
" You got it right, Now let me sleep until this class is over"I command and go back to Dreamlands. However, My body had very annoying visitors. I took my bag to see if I had any pads left. I did. I left the classroom to head to the bathroom but another annoying visitors came to beat me up. 

"Sweet, I get to beat you up in here too. My best day ever" She said in an ironic voice. She was wearing a very short skirt and a top. Before, She can take a step. Someone pulled me with so much force. I fall to the floor in the worse way to fall. In Your butt. This was the worse day. I turn to see who was it. Parker and jack.
"So, Your angel can't save you now.Mmmm.He is worthless. Leave him and go to me" He said with a smirk. A fake one but Sally seems to not know this since her mouth is open.
"Why are you saying that? Why did you change to  this for that slut?" She said with her hands on her hips. Sometimes, I wish they were smarter.
"She isn't s slut. You're not my girlfriend. You have been using me.Slut.You're a slut. You cheating on me with other boys." He said as his face gets red.
"Liz!!" Cameron ran to 
"Parker turns to him. He looks at him and Grabs me. At the time, Angel came with Bennet already had theyre fist tight.
" Let's get away from this and leave him alone "Parker whispered in my ears. I tried to escape from his grip but I couldn't. Bennet punch his face and try to take me away . He led me towards Angel. Bennet and Cameron walk toward sally. Sally seems calm with what is going on. Are they part of the group?Are they playing this game too? Did they betray me too?

" Sally, We are done with this. You are the responsible for many deaths. You push and push till they could not breathe anymore. You made Bennet and Liz the last two "nerds" in this school. Sally, Your a nerd too. Why don't you tell them that ?! "Cameron said. So, Bennet and I are the last people to live in this game. Could the things get better right?!

We all looked at each other...

Hello, thanks for dealing with me and horrible grammar. I hope you like this chapter. . It really hurts that people are cruel towards other.

They expected respect but they aren't respecting us either. I hope you like this chapter. Please love yourself. Keep fighting!

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