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Liz's POV:
"Wake up! You will be late for school if you don't wake up right now !"My day won't start without my mother yelling...So I roll over my bed and end up falling out of my bed.

"I'm awake now!"I responded as I walked toward a black closet that holds black-colored clothes as my room is full of black decorations. I ended up picking up a black T-shirt with the "My chemical romance" logo and paired it up with ripped jeans and black converse.

I quickly pick up my bookbag and phone with my headphones, along with my keys as I walk down the stairs.

" Hello, my honey"She waves to my father...

 "So...Liz. You gotta get awesome grades to be able to wear that emo look clothes."My father said in an annoyed voice.

 My parents never accept my look and my view of the world. When I was little, my parents forced me to wear pink clothes and dresses.  I wanted to play with my friend who dresses in all black and listen to different genres. However, that didn't last since my friend went missing...He ran away from home. His parents were not like my parents but he did have more freedom than I did... Since that day I have never been okay and I changed a lot.

"Sweetheart, why are you supporting  her style?" My mother said with anger in her voice.
I don't understand how my parents had me because they're so different!

" I don't care how she looks as long her grades are at the top of her class!"My father argued back.

"Here, eat this!"My mother stated as she placed a plate of pancakes and bacon. 
" I don't want a daughter with an eating disorder. " My mother can't shut it even if her life depends on it.

I just ate it with no second thought. It was so good but I wished that I could eat without yelling for once but that's not gonna happen ever.

I think I will need to head to another Hell...School. I grabbed my bag and my phone with headphones on and played "Teenager" By My Chemical Romance. They saved my morning every day...

I just walked through the loud streets and let myself zone out. Something caught my eye and that was a fine boy...Seems to be around my age and maybe lost... Angel...I mean he looks like one ...


" Angel of darkness, wake up. You're drooling for a b...Boy," Hope said in her high pitch voice with annoying squeaking.

 Hope has been by my side since 6th grade. She fought with me in this dark world. Also, my life has been so dark that light will never enter my life.

"Hello, my name is Andrew but you could call me Angel. Also, where is the high school... New Life?" Andrew said he looked so confused.
"Um...  We are going to that place right now." Hope said, looking at me. I bet she's coming up with names for the ship.
Andrew followed us to Hell... Ugh.

My school has cliques like in every school...

The hell holds 9 types of groups.

  1) The geeks and nerds that have the connection.

 2) Regular nerds and geeks. 

3) The Jocks. Jocks and I don't have a great relationship.

 4) The "pretty" girl group. (They are made up of girls that were kicked out of the popular group)

5) The mean girls that are fake.Typical 

6) Players and man whores...

 7) The rich 

 8) Mean teacher that kisses the rich ass. Yes, that is an actual clique.

  9)People that can't be placed in one group.

 I am one of those people that can't be placed anywhere because I fit with every group. 

"So...Who are you? "Hope questions Andrew's existence.

" Oh, I haven't introduced myself ?" Both of us nodded as he continued. "My name is Andrew but y'all can call me Angel!"

We know that he had introduced himself earlier but it was funny.

I could be wrong but he would be the prey in this school for the girls.
"Good luck" I whispered.

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