Am not yours!!!

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Unknown POV
After the day, Liz and Angel hang out in his room. Liz got better after a week. She didn't want to go back home and hell(school). She begged her mom to let her stay for a few days. Her mom didn't really care as long her grades are on the top as if her skipping a grade isn't a big deal. Her mom never really wanted her. She wanted a boy to take over their company. Her mom and dad always put more pressure on her to make up for the gender that which she was born.
Liz didn't know that and her parents want to make sure things stayed like that.
Liz was happy to stay in a comfortable environment with warmth and love.
Angel finally asks her to be his first girlfriend. So, His bed wasn't his girlfriend after all (lmao). His mom was happy about this news. She even made a huge party celebrate and she invited everyone. EVERYONE.


"Honeycome outPlease!!" He pleaded. I don't know if this dress looks good on me. The scars are healed as if they had never been there.
"Coming! I don't know if I look good. Angel?" I walked out of his room I locked myself as soon I got the dress on. 
"You look so great. My angel!" He declared making me blush. 

" Let's go, babe" He flashed a smile... So cute! 

We went down to where the party was happening. I scan every person to not see anyone that knows me. Thank god!
"Hello, are you Andrews's girlfriend?" A young man asks me. 

He looked familiar but where?
"Yes. My name is Liz. Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask him. I turn to ask Angel but he was gone to meet his family.
"You will never be his. You belong to our leader!" He declared in a threatening tone.


He was the boy that chase me to that dead end!!!
"May I have everyone's attention! Please. I want to inform you guys that Andrew got a girlfriend!" Angel's mother announced. "Come Liz" I walk toward where Andrew was looking handsome in his blue tuxedo...
"No. You are just confused! You belong to me" That voice sends me into jumpy states...I look for the owner of the voice.

"Leave her alone!" Angel command. What am going to do?? I can't stand here!

"Eduardo parker, I will never be yours. I can't choose who has my heart!! You can't! I will never love you. I will never be yours. You made my life impossible to breathe. You said to never look at you . NEVER EVER. I did what I was been told. You said you will leave me alone! He didn't. Years have passed but you didn't keep your promises but I will keep mine! I don't know who you're!! You have never been in my life! Who are you??"   I finally yelled all my emotions that has been bottled to him. 

He step back as he shook his head as if he believed that I would run to his arm.


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