Chapter thirty seven

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Jack's P.O.V

"We need to talk."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, an awkward tension settled around the room.

She nodded wordlessly, agreeing with me, before walking past me to sit down on the couch.

I sighed to myself before joining her. I took a moment to take her in, she looked stunning today, she always does, but there's something different. She looks sad. My heart clenches at the thought of me being the cause of her sadness.

The bags under her eyes and tired expression confirms my suspicions. Did she even sleep last night?

I know I didn't. I felt so alone, so cold without her body pressed against mine.

"Just promise you'll hear me out, ok Lil?" I almost begged her, she needed to know the truth.

"Please don't call me Lil." Her eyes were squeezed shut as she spoke in a weak voice, I had to resist the urge to wrap her up in my arms. She sounded sorry fragile, so broken.

"Ok ok i'll stop." I promised her. She opened her at eyes at my promise, and they pleaded with me to get on with it. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"When you left the restaurant, I confronted that waitress because I knew she was trouble the minute she ignored you," I began, Lily didn't show any emotion to what I was saying so I carried on, "and she completely lied to my face and said that you realised you weren't good enough for me and that I should be with her, which is complete bullshit Lily. I didn't give her my number and im not attracted to her in the slightest. She's not you." I finished with a sigh, peering up at Lily through my eyelashes, she looked like she was about to burst into tears but she held it together.

I wish she didn't though. I want her to let everything out, I want her to let me comfort her.

Seeing her upset and crying would hurt me for sure but I need to let her know I was there for her one hundred percent.

She means so much to me and I'll be damned if I let her feel even one ounce of despair.

"Please tell me you believe me. You're the one for me, I don't want anyone else. You're it for me." I said once I realised that she probably wasn't convinced and wouldn't reply to me.

I've been thinking about this, about us since she left me at the restaurant, soaking and confused. She is the real deal for me. She consumes my every thought, my every feeling, my every heartbeat.

I don't know if it's infatuation or if it's love but I do know that it's real.

I really couldn't picture myself with anyone else but her. She has everything; beauty, brains, a personality, humour a caring heart, she's basically perfect in my eyes.

Sure she has flaws, like she snores way too loud in her sleep or the little scar on the bridge of her nose from her childhood and the fact she's always freezing cold even in a heat wave.

All of her flaws made her imperfectly perfect in my eyes and thats what makes her my Lily.

"Jack, I can't do this anymore." she whispered.

"Sure we can have this conversation another time it's fine. When you're ready." I assured her, glad she was at least willing to talk about this even if it wasn't right now.

"No Jack I mean I can't do us anymore." she said, shattering my heart completely.


"I said I can't do us anymore Jack. It's over." her expression was hard as she spoke.

No, no, no! This is not happening! She can't leave me. She can't leave me with a broken heart.

"I heard what you said Lily, you can't do that to me, to us! Do I mean nothing to you!?" I exclaimed, desperate to make her see sense.

"I'm so sorry Jack." Was all she said before walking away from me once again.

I let my head fall into my hands, tears over flowing my eyes and trickling down my cheeks, but I didn't care.

My Lily is gone. She doesn't want me anymore. I mean nothing to her. I'm no more important than some shit on her shoe. That's how I felt right now, shit. Not to mention heartbroken, devastated, sad, the list goes on.

How could she just give up on us just like that?! Our story had barely started and she was already throwing it all away. What was the point of choosing me from the stupid date game?

Was it her aim to lead me on then crush me completely when she'd had her little fun? Or was it just to prove that Jack Gillinksy could get heartbroken too?

If I wasn't famous, if I wasn't successful in my singing career, would thing have been different?

Would she be more willing to give it a go? To be with me?

I stood up from my position and kicked the sofa over. I looked around the room, breathing heavily. My eyes landed on her makeup station near the mirrors. I quickly ran over and swept my arm across all of the products, causing them to all clatter on the floor.

I looked up from the mess I had just made and into the mirror before me.

All I saw was me, Jack. The guy Lily doesn't want, doesn't need anymore. I could feel the anger rising up in my body each second I looked at my reflection and before I knew it my fist collided with the mirror causing it to shatter, just like my heart.

I stared at my fist, shocked that I could be that violent, to see blood flowing easily from the scrapes and cuts that were full of glass.

But I felt nothing.

Just like Lily felt nothing for me.

Authors note

Aw poor Jack! Please comment what you though of this chapter and give it a vote if you liked it. Thank you so much for reading! Xx

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