Chapter twenty three

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The dates - part two

The text from Sam made my heart flutter. I guess I'm having all of my dates today. I walked up the stairs back to my room. it was ten thirty now so I had plenty of time.

I powered up my laptop and clicked on Netflix, choosing a short film to watch. I watched the film in a daze and clicked on another when it finished. I soon became bored of the second film, letting my eyes travel around my room. My gaze settled on my clock and nearly gave me a heart attack. It said the time was ten past twelve. Shit.

I leaped out of bed, nearly knocking my laptop on the floor. I dashed to my wardrobe and picked out a random sundress. I slipped it on, it was a beautiful coral shade that enhanced my tan. I applied some coral lipstick and blush to my face and left it at that. I found a little bag in a similar shade as my dress and placed my phone and money into it along with my lipstick just in case.

As I was fixing my bun, the doorbell rang. I jumped down the stairs, taking two at a time; pausing before I opened the door to compose myself.

I opened it and smiled at Sam. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt with dark skinny jeans and a denim jacket over the top. Ray bans covered his beautiful eyes. He looked different today but I liked it.

"Hey, you ready?" he asked whilst stuffing his hands in his front pockets.

"Yeah." I breathed shutting the door behind me as I stepped outside. I locked it and walked to the car that Sam had arranged for us.

He opened the door for me to get in, going to talk to the driver once I was settled in my seat. He joined me seconds later and we set off.

The drive with Sam was different than with Nate. We chatted aimlessly, flirting every now and again.

It was a longer drive this time as we arrived to where we were having lunch after around 35 minutes.

Sam, like Nate, opened the door for me; offering me his hand as I stepped out. I held onto his palm as my feet made contact with the pavement.

His hand didn't leave mine as we walked to the restaurant that looked Italian. Not that I was complaining. I liked being close to him and Italian so this date was surely gonna be fun.

We strolled inside and up to the maître de.

"Reservation under the name Wilkinson." Sam spoke. He'd planned this so it was bound to be good if he had put this much thought into it that he booked it in advance.

"Ahhh right this way sir, Madame." We followed the man to a tiny table for two. It was adorned by a red and white checkered table cloth and a candle burning brightly in the centre.

Sam pulled my chair back for me as I sat down before sitting down opposite me.

"Here are your menus. My name is Marco and I will be your server this afternoon." Marco said before leaving us to make our decision.

Everything on the menu looked delicious, I couldn't possibly decide.

"I'm really glad you're here with me right now." Sam said quietly, breaking my concentration on the menu. I smiled at his words as a faint blush danced across my cheeks.

"I'm glad I'm here too Sam." he smiled widely before looking at the menu. I did the same and finally decided on a pizza. Simple, yet delicious.

Marco didn't come back for a while but neither me nor Sam really minded. We just carried on talking, nothing particularly meaningful like the conversation I had with Nate, but a lovely conversation nonetheless.

Marco finally came over and took our orders, the food coming almost instantaneously after.

We ate our food in silence, enjoying the flavours immensely.

As soon as we had finished and paid, Sam declining my money too, he took my hand in his once again and led me outside.

We didn't head back to the car straight away, Sam saying that he wanted to go for a walk instead. I agreed, wanting to spend as much time with him as I could.

I just knew that this decision wasn't going to be easy if Jack's date was anything like the other two.

We strolled around the shops near the restaurant, window shopping and talking as we went.

We ended up at a little park that was only a few minutes from where we started.

We sat down on the swings next to each other and enjoyed the view. It was beautiful. The sky was clear and a lovely blue, the sun wasn't too hot and the sound of children playing nearby completed the picture perfectly.

A squeak broke me out of my trance as Sam hopped off of his swing to come stand in front of me.

I gulped as I looked up at his figure, unsure of his motives.

"I really like you Lily, I hope you know that." his voice was deep yet velvety, making me swoon.

"I know Sam." I wasn't going to say I liked him too even though I clearly did. I couldn't tell him that, lead him on and then pick one of the other two after. It was cruel and I just couldn't do that to him.

I think he understood as he nodded, offering me his hand once again, pulling me off the swing to walk back to the car.

We got inside the car and drove back to my house. Sam got out to walk me to my front door; how adorable is that?

As we made it to my front door we turned to face each other.

"Thank you for this afternoon, I had a great time." i nervously said. We all know what happens when a boy walks you to your door after a nice date.

"I'm just glad I got to spend some time with you Lily." I blushed at his words yet again, my eyes casting down to my shoes.

He placed a finger under my chin to make my orbs meet his. I was hypnotised as I looked into them. He slowly leaned closer to me and placed a kiss to my forehead, surprising me completely. He let his lips linger against my skin before placing another kiss and pulling away.

If I didn't resemble a tomato right now then something was seriously wrong with me.

"I'll see you soon beautiful." he whispered before walking back to the car and getting in.

"Bye" I whispered back, even though he couldn't hear me. The car left my street and I walked inside; wondering what Jack had in store for me.

Authors note

How cute was their date?! Hope I had all your Sammy girls swooning. Thankyou for 900 reads!! Please comment what you think and vote if you liked it. Thanks for reading! X

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