Chapter eight

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As Nate began to explain his prank to us, a devious smile grew on my face. Basically, we were gonna dress one of us up as a crazy digi tour fangirl and get all of the crew to chase us around, pulling little pranks on them throughout the day. It was perfect.

Jack G, Sam, Nate and myself all agreed that Jack J should be the one made into a crazy fangirl and seeing as though it was four against one, he had no choice but to agree.

I lead Jack J over to where the mirrors were and sat him down on a chair. I turned to look at all the makeup sprawled over the counter. For teenage boys, they sure had a lot of makeup.

I pushed Jack's hair back with a flower headband and started on his skin. I added foundation, concealer, powder, blusher and bronzer and then gave him a ridiculous smokey eye with massive cat eyes and a bright red lip that went over his naturally lip line. He looked like a really masculine Miranda Sings.

The other boys found a wig in one of the draws underneath the mirrors that was long, blonde and frizzy. I shrugged off my leather jacket and handed it to him, completing his look perfectly.

The plan was to get Jack to run up and down the corridor catching the crews attention so they thought that a fan had gotten inside. Then when Jack had them on the run, the rest of us would we placing small pranks around the venue; cling film over door frames, buckets of water on top of doors, paint filled balloons, water guns; basically anything we can get our hands on really.

Phase one of our evil genius plan was a go as we shoved Jack J out of the door and locked it behind him. We all had our ears pressed against it, trying to listen to what was happening.

A shrill scream made us all reel back.

"Oh my Fricking God this is their dressing room! I can't even! I think I'm gonna pass out! ahhhhhhh!" Jacks voice was perfectly pitched to make him sound like a girl, he was taking his part seriously.

"Hey you! Get over here." a deep voice called from outside. Footsteps could be heard running away and seconds later heavier ones joined until they both faded as they ran further away.

We decided to split up into two's so we could cover the venue quicker. I was paired with Nate as he thought that me going with either of the other two would cause even more drama. And we did not need a repeat of last time.

We all spilt up and walked to separate ends of the corridor. The boys we're headed for the crew security tape room and any other rooms they came across and we were headed for the crews toilets.

We both walked and talked about every random thing we could think of. Nate was a nice guy, he was laid-back and funny and just a generally nice guy.

We finally reached our destination after about ten minutes of walking.

Luckily there was a cleaning cupboard next to it so we could get the buckets that we forgot we needed. We didn't really think this through did we?

Nate and I split up and went into the men and women's bathrooms, bucket in hand.

I turned the tap and began filling the bucket up with cold water. When it was decently full, I switched the tap off and hauled the bucket towards the door. Which was easier said than done, that bucket weighs a tonne!

Once I had dragged it over to the door I realise I had no clue how I was going to get it onto the very top. I was a measly five foot three and this bucket of water could probably weigh more than me so in other words I didn't stand a chance.

Thankfully, with Nate being much taller and stronger than me, he managed to set up his prank a lot quicker so he came to my aid and helped me place it.

Once it was up there I turned to face Nate, a mischievous smile dancing on my lips. I raised my hand for a high five which he compiled to with a rather strong strike.

Didn't I just mention he was strong? Well I clearly underestimated just exactly how strong he was.

As our hands made contact, the force of his high five made me fly backwards into the door behind me.

I let out a high pitch squeal as I hit the door with my back.

"Lily!" Nate shouted. I looked at him to see why he was shouting when his arm darted out and swiftly pulled me forward; forcing me to crash into his hard torso. Just as I made contact with his body, I heard the bucket crash to the floor with a loud bang and a splash.

I raised my hands as an instinct but they ended up just resting on Nate's solid chest.

Both of our breathing was extremely laboured from the sudden movement; my heart was pounding out of my chest. That was a close one. I really need to gain some muscle, seriously, a high five nearly took me out. That was embarrassing.

I cast my eyes upwards to see if Nate was ok, seeing as he was still holding me. I was instantly met with his lingering gaze.

I gulped as I watched that intense gaze flit between my eyes and my lips. His face was slowly getting closer to mine; his lips inching closer each second. I was frozen. I didn't know what to do or how to react so I didn't. I just stood there, paralysed.

And that's when Nate Maloley kissed me.

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