Chapter four

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I sat down on the closed toilet seat listening to the guys arguing outside. Their yelling was getting louder and louder every second that passed; it was making me feel extremely anxious and guilty. They were arguing over me. I couldn't help it.

"You've scared her off now." Sam shouted at Jack.

"Me?! I'm the one who scared her off?! More like you! Who the fuck kisses someone's knuckles, creep!" Jack exclaimed back.

"I do, you got a problem with that Jacky boy?" Sam's voice was incredibly patronising and it even managed to tick me off.

I decided to stop being a wuss and just confront them because this couldn't go on any longer.

I swiftly turned the lock and flung the door open, Jack and Sam getting in each other's face being my first sight. They didn't even realise I was there.

Their breathing was heavy and their chests were heaving furiously. Both of them had their hands clenched into fists and they were tensing so hard making their jaw's so sharp I could cut myself on them.

I decided to break the unbearable silence.

"Guys can you just fucking stop with the yelling?" I harshly spoke, making both of their heads snap in my direction; surprise all over their face, obviously not expecting me to be here or be so rude but I mean honestly, they're acting like children right now. I rubbed my head as I felt a headache coming on.

"Lily." Jack breathed before jumping into action and rushing over to my side. I looked him square in the face, putting an emotionless facade on.

"I'm so sorry I didn-" Jack began but Sam pushed him out of the way, cutting him off abruptly. As Jack stumbled to the side of me, trying to regain his balance, Sam put his arm around me and began to whisper his sorry's into my ear. I squirmed in his vice like grip.

Jack came back to my side quickly, scowling at Sam.

I gingerly lifted Sam's arm from my shoulder and let it drop down the side of his body.

"I'm going to find somewhere, a dressing room or something. I want you both to find me when you're done being utter twats ok?" I spat through my teeth eerily calm.

Both of them kept their mouth as I walked away, down the hallway, but I could feel their lingering gazes on me until I turned the corner.

I let out a sigh of frustration before spotting a tech worker nearby. I strolled over to them and asked where the dressing room is. After they pointed me in the right direction, I made my way over to a brown door with the words 'dressing room one' printed on it.

I pushed it open to see it was simply decorated with a row of mirrors down the left side of the room; light bulbs outlined each mirror, illuminating the room. A decently sized blue couch was placed in the middle of the room facing the mirrors. A snack table lined the right side of the room and a large window graced the back of the room, letting you see the city lights shine brightly in the night sky.

I closed the door and plopped myself down on the couch which was incredibly comfy.

It was there where I scrolled through my phone and waited for the two idiots to come find me.

Might be a long wait then.

Authors note

I know it's very early days with the story but if you like it so far please comment and vote!

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