Chapter forty

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Sam's POV

God I was tired, these shows every night have been wearing me out but I shouldn't complain, I love performing and I love the support from the fans.

Georgia was hungry so I suggested I should get some food from the canteen. I'd do anything for that girl.

I was whistling down the corridor and past all the toilets when I heard a noise that sounded like whimpering.

I stopped in my tracks, that could be two things; someone who was crying or a couple getting it on.

I pray to God that it isn't the latter.

I hesitantly knocked on the door of the women's toilets but there was no reply.

I knocked harder this time earning a quiet 'yeah?' from the other side.

"Can I come in?" I asked gently. The person didn't answer, instead they unlocked the door for me to enter.

I walked in and Lily was stood near the sink, fixing her hair.

"You ok Lil? I heard a noise, sounded like someone was crying." I explained. She turned to face me, smiling widely.

"Yeah Sam I'm fine." she assured me. I nodded. Everything seems to be ok.

I was about to leave her alone and continue on my journey for food when something on Lily's shirt caught my eye.

"Erm you have a little something." I pointed to where it was, looking closer to see what it was. Was it food or something? She flinched away from my touch, my eyes going wide at her reaction. Why is she acting so weird?

I practically lunged forward swiping the mark from her shirt. At a closer look, I was disgusted to see it was actually vomit. I dashed over to the sink and immediately ran my finger under the cool liquid. I turned back to look at her.

"Are you sick or something?" I asked. She quickly agreed, nodding her head vigorously.

"Yeah, yeah that's it. I'm sick." I narrowed my eyes at her. She was acting suspiciously.

"I don't feel right leaving you by yourself. You're coming to hang with me and Georgia, no if's and's or but's. Got it?" she nodded again, her smile faltering slightly.

I was going to get to the bottom of this. Georgia could probably help. She knows Lily better than anyone.

I led her back to the dressing room where Georgia was and headed back to the canteen; picking up enough food for all three of us.

When I walked in, arms full with food, Lily's eyes widened. I assume it was because of how much I'd brought with me but I couldn't help myself! Everything looked too good to leave behind, plus I wanted to spoil Georgia with options.

I place all of the food in front of the girls and plopped myself down next to Georgia, leaving a chaste kiss against her temple; not wanting to freak Lily out.

Me and Gee dug in pretty much straight away where as Lily held back which confused me. She was normally the one who ate the most out of all of us and that's saying something considering we're all teenage boys and Steve had taught Georgia to pretty much eat like a man.

Not that I minded. I thought it was hot that she ate what she wanted and didn't care about what people thought of it. I'm sure most of the male population would agree with me.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked through a full mouth.

"I-I already ate." she stated but it sounded more like a question, like she was asking herself if that was the right thing to say.

"I'm just popping to the ladies." Georgia announced, excusing herself from the room swiftly.

I turned to Lily.

"What's going on Lily?" I asked sternly. She couldn't hide from me anymore. I was starting to get worried. She was distant with everyone now and I knew she danced everyday, all the boys did. She never before expressed an interest in dance so we have no clue why she had suddenly taken a die hard passion for it.

"W-what do you mean? nothing's going on Sam." she wasn't convincing me one bit.

"Cut the bullshit Lily. I've known you long enough now to know when you're lying and its written all over your face right now so spill." I demanded causing her to sigh in defeat.

She took her phone out of her back pocket and unlocked it, clicking a few things before turning the screen to face me.

I squinted to get the writing in focus. When it became less blurry, twitter came into view. Why was she showing me this?

"Scroll." Was all she said. I decided to comply and began trailing my finger down the screen.

The words I read horrified me. They were from so called fans of ours? If they were fans they'd support our lives and the people in them not harass them to the point of breaking.

I kept reading, most of the tweets commenting on her weight which was stupid because she had the perfect figure; she wasn't too skinny and she wasn't overweight. But even if she was, she didn't need to lose weight because she's perfect the way she is.

I looked up from the screen and met her eyes. I feel so guilty.

She's been going through this for God knows how long by herself. We all thought she was being bitchy and just using us like the magazines all said but wow were we wrong.

I placed her phone on the arm of the couch and pulled her into a tight hug. I stroked her hair to show her I was there for her.

"It's all going to be alright." I whispered in her ear.

The door opened and Georgia re entered the room.

"What the hell is going on?"

Authors note

Sorry for the lack of chapters, i haven't been feel too good lately. Thankyou or reading. X

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