Chapter twenty two

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The dates - part one

I was rudely awoken by a pounding on my front door. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, grumbling about whoever decided to be annoying this morning. Don't they know that I'm not a morning person?!

I unlocked the door and flung it open angrily, Nate stood before me.

"What?" I demanded. Why did he have to wake me up?

"Someone's not a morning person." he muttered walking inside whilst removing his sunglasses.

"Seriously Nate, why're you here?" I said defeated. I guess I won't be getting back to sleep anytime soon.

"I'm taking you on our date. Get ready." he told me whilst slouching on my sofa and flicking through the channels of my tv. Nice to see he's made himself comfortable.

He's incredibly stubborn so there's no point in arguing with him. I silently walked back to my bedroom and into my bathroom. I got in the shower and did my regular routine before hopping out with a sigh.

I picked an outfit and moved over to my vanity. I did minimal make up since I was still too tired to function and dried my hair, tying it back into a messy bun on the top of my head.

I slipped on some jeans, a slouchy top and my black vans. I stuffed some money in my pocket and grabbed my phone before heading downstairs, back to Nate.

He stood up when I entered the room and lead me outside. I locked the door and walked with him to the familiar black car.

We slid in the back seat and Nate told the driver the address. We drove in silence, both of us looking at the scenery flashing past us.

It only took fifteen minutes to reach our destination. Nate exited the car first, jogging round to my side and opening the door for me. What a gentleman. I stepped out and looked around to see that we were at a quaint little breakfast diner.

We strolled over to the entrance and Nate once again opened the door for me. It rang with a bell as we walked inside. There were red leather booths dotted all over with a main counter in the centre. It was 50's themed so all the waitresses wore poodle skirts and red lipstick.

We found a booth located near the back of the diner and sat down opposite each other.

I perused the menu and settled on pancakes drenched in golden syrup. I placed my menu back on the table as Nate was still deciding. I took in my surroundings. This diner was right up my street; it was so cute. How did Nate know I would like it here?

My thoughts were interrupted as a waitress stood at the end of the table.

"Hi there. I'm Mary and I'll be your waitress today. Can I take your orders?" she spoke in a chipper voice, her wide smile never faltering. I smiled back.

"Could I please have the pancakes with syrup." I answered her.

"Good choice and for you sir?" she asked, peering over at Nate.

"Can I have the cinnamon waffles please." We handed Mary our menus before she walked off with our orders.

"So, how do you like it?" Nate asked me, causing my attention to divert back to him.

"I love it! How do you know about this place?"

"My grandma used to bring me here when I was younger. We used to just sit for hours talking and eating. I used to be adored by all the waitresses but they've probably all left by now; I don't recognise anyone today." he spoke from the heart making me smile at his fond memories.

"Ahhh so your lady killing ways started early I see." I teased him making a loud chuckle erupt from his lips. I laughed along with him, causing a melodical sound to be made.

We continued chatting about childhood memories until Mary brought our food over. My pancakes were piled high and made my mouth water but Nate's looked even better. His waffles looked massive and were drenched in vanilla icing.

We didn't hesitate to dig in, clearing our plates in almost five minutes. We carried on talking until Nate asked if I was ready to go back home. I agreed with a nod. He threw some money on the table, refusing my offer to pay, and took my hand in his; leading me back to the car.

The drive back was the same as driving there, silent. But a comfortable silence.

I had a nice time with Nate and I didn't expect to but I don't know if it has made me change my mind about him.

We came to a stop outside my house. I turned to face Nate to find him already looking at me.

"I had a great time this morning thank you." He nodded.

"Thankyou for coming." he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before I left the car and walked up to my front door.

I unlocked it and stepped inside, heading to the lounge immediately. I flopped down with a tired huff, staring at nothing.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I fished it out and unlocked it, clicking on the text instantly.

"We're having lunch today. Be ready by half twelve."

Authors note

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter! Please comment what you think and vote!! Thank you for reading! X

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