Chapter five

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I was sat down on the plushy couch for what felt like an eternity. I had snooped around the room, fixed my makeup in the mirrors, ate some food from the table and scrolled through my phone about a billion times. What was talking them so long?

The door to the dressing slammed open making me jump and fall off the couch onto the floor. I groaned as I got up, trying to regain what little dignity I had left. I looked up to see who the nuisance was to see Jack Johnson and Nate demolishing the piles of food on the back table.

Well this was awkward. I could sneak out and pretend I was never there but they could easily catch me. So I decided on my next best option.

I cleared my throat making both boys pause immediately and turn around to face me. They had food dangling from their lips and more food in their hands; they looked like deer caught in some headlights.

"Erm Lily right?" Jack spoke with a full mouth making me cringe. I nodded.

"Not to be rude but what are you doing in our dressing room?" he continued confusedly.

So I explained to them. Since they were in the wings they couldn't see what was going on between the three of us. I told them about the arguing and my ultimatum for the boys. We had all settled on the couch as I finished the story, both boys frowning slightly as they thought about everything I just ambushed them with.

"It's not surprising." Nate finally piped up.

"Yeah they're both so hot headed. Something like this was bound to happen." Jack agreed.

I nodded. "So do you think I did the right thing or..?" I trailed off. Maybe I was a bit too over dramatic. But then again they acted like children.

"No I think you did the right thing, I would just appreciate it if you didn't scare the living daylight out of me next time." Jack joked. I laughed along with them.

"I'll try to be less ninja like next time." I giggled causing both boys to laugh with me.

The door slammed open again to reveal Jack and Sam stood side by side. I straightened up as they walked in and sat on the back of the couch. Nate and Jack J's eyes were stuck on me, waiting for my reaction.

"Hey Lily." Sam spoke softly as he rubbed the back of his neck on apprehension.

"Hi Sam, Jack." I nodded curtly to both of them.

Jack sighed, clearly understanding that I wasn't about to forgive them anytime soon without at least an apology. He stood up and made his way round to perch on the coffee table in front of me. He leant on his knees and cast his head down before peering up at me through his lashes.

"I just want to apologise for my behaviour earlier. You were right, I was a complete dick and I'm really sorry you had to see that."

"Yeah, I'd like to apologise too. I mean I don't know what came over me, over us. We acted like children and I'm sorry for that." Sam spoke as he slid next to Jack.

I nodded thoughtfully at the boys before I engulfed them both in a hug. I could feel their smiles against my skin making me smile back.

I pulled away after less than a minute, not wanting to make it awkward.

"Friends?" I asked them. They both chuckled and nodded making my smile grow even wider.

For the rest of the night, the four boys plus myself chilled and ate some more food until it was finally time for me to go. I had got a text from my mum earlier saying that she could pick me up after work.

I stood up, dusting the crumbs from my clothes and hugged all of the boys and said my good byes.

This day has been a dream come true even if there were some bumps along the way.

Sam said he'd walk me out of the venue so I followed his lead out of the dressing room, casting one last wave at the three remaining boys who were laughing loudly still.

We walked in a comfortable silence, my gaze never leaving shoes.

As we reached the large doors we both turned to face each other.

"I hope you don't think this is too forward but can I possibly have your number?" Sam asked me sheepishly. My heart leaped out of my chest. Sam fricking Wilkinson wants my phone number.

I nodded, trying to compose myself, holding my hand out for his phone. He placed it delicately in my palm and I typed my details in and handed it back.

As I gave him it, our hands touched causing sparks to shoot up my arm. I quickly pulled my hand away, feeling a little flustered.

I said goodbye and gave him a quick hug before practically skipping to my mum's cars.

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