Chapter forty six

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Ten years later

Jack's P.O.V

"Daddy please." She whimpered. Ever since she had snuck downstairs to watch some scary film she just had to see, she had been scared there was a monster in her room. As my dad duties, I obviously have to be the hero and make sure there isn't any but having to do it every night, sometimes more than once, it becomes tedious pretty quick.

I look every where in her room, checking thoroughly.

"See baby? There's nothing there. You're safe I promise." I softly spoke to her. Her tiny crocodile tears ceased and left sticky marks on her chubby cheeks.

"Thanks daddy, you're my hero. I'm safe when you're here." She sniffles, warming my heart completely. This girl was my pride and joy and moments like this made me forget how annoyed I was. I would check for monsters a hundred times a night just to make her feel safe.

I engulfed her tiny body in my arms, squeezing her tightly before laying her back down.

"Night night sweetheart." I whispered, her eyes beginning to droop as I spoke. I place a gentle kiss to her forehead and quietly backed out of the room. I pulled the door with the word 'Eleanor' on it, shut as noiselessly as I could and tiptoed to my room.

"Is she ok now?" I looked over to see Lily wrapped up in our duvet, motherly concern etched on her beautiful features. I walked over to my side and slid in next to her, pulling her into my arms securely.

"Nothing a little Dad magic couldn't fix." I kiss her temple and she visibly relaxes, happy that her baby girl is safe.

"You're such a good dad." She speaks with so much honesty, my heart swells to the point where it feels like it's going to burst.

When we first found out that Eleanor was on the way, I'm not going to lie, I panicked. All I could think was that I'm not dad material. I don't know how to care for another life. But as I supported Lil through the pregnancy I read every single baby book there was going.

So when she arrived I felt somewhat prepared and staring into her gorgeous eyes for the first time, re confirmed that for me.

She had me wrapped around her finger from day one, a bit like Lily. It's crazy to think that I have a daughter and a wife.

Some might say we got married too young but I wouldn't have it any other way. I was over the moon with my little family.

My daughter was stunning and my wife was the girl of my dreams. Sure, we hit a few rough patches on our way up but doesn't everyone?

Our wedding was absolutely beautiful and so full of love. Lily looked breathtaking, she does all the time, but she had a certain glow about her that day. I nearly cried when I saw her walking down the aisle. I couldn't believe that she was mine forever. What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as her? She's such a gorgeous person inside and out, not to mention a fabulous mum. I wouldn't leave her for anyone or anything. She's it for me. Always will be.

After my music career with the digi boys and Jack ended, I decided to man up and be the best I could for Lily. She deserved it. We see the boys all the time, all of them happily married with kids.

Georgia and Sam got engaged not long after we tied the knot and followed suit shortly after. They now have two children, twins, Lalya and Jake.

Nate is engaged to the sweetest girl, Madeline. they're wedding is set to be next fall.

Jack, my brother, married before us all, spotted Violet in the crowd one night and became completely enamoured by her. They have three kids now, with another on the way.

"You're a brilliant mum." I answered back, breaking the silence. She lifted herself from my chest so she could look at me.

"I love you." Her eyes were shining with so much love, I nearly melted. I hadn't realised how beautiful she looks today. My eyes shamelessly wandered over her features. Even though her hair was slightly ruffled and she wore no makeup, she was absolutely flawless and made my heart race immensely.

I didn't answer and instead colliding our lips together, flipping us so i hovered over her.

"Let's get started on baby number 2." I growled in her ear. The next thing I know, she's claiming my lips with her own and ripping my shirt off.

Best get ready those baby books again.

Authors note

I was in two minds whether to write this but I'm glad I did. Thankyou so much for reading and voting and supporting this book it means a lot to me. I hope you've enjoyed it and keep and eye out for more things to come. Cxx

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