Chapter fourteen

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When you first walk into an apartment shared by four teenage boys, you expect the worst right? You know like dirty dishes everywhere, stains on everything, clothes left strewn around; a general pig sty really.

Well when I walked in, it was safe to say I was pleasantly surprised. Everything was ordered and clean and it really impressed me.

All the boys walked in a settled themselves around the apartment whilst I hovered in the doorway, unclear on where I should go.

"Come here Lily." Jack G, Sam and Nate all shouted to me at the same time; Jack from the kitchen, Sam from the bedroom (A/N 😏😏😏) and Nate from the lounge.

Who was I supposed to go with? I couldn't go to one without hurting the other two.

Thankfully, Jack J decided for me.

"Come on Lily you can help me get the duvets and pillows." he grabbed my hand pulling me to the first bedroom we came across.

I couldn't tell who's bedroom it was exactly but I'm pretty sure it was Nate's just looking at the decor.

We gathered up his duvet and a few pillows, returning to the lounge to dump them on the sofa and making our way to the next room.

This one was a nice pale blue shade so I assumed it was Jack J's and my suspicions were confirmed when he got a jacket out of the wardrobe to put on.

As I was rolling up the duvet to a more manageable size to carry, Jack spoke.

"I hope you know what you're doing with the guys Lily. I don't want them to get hurt." he whispered softly; concern evident on his face. My features softened at his words.

"I'm trying my best, I really am. But Nate kissed me and Jack and I have been flirting and Sam has just been his usual self and I don't know what to do about it." I confessed in an exasperated tone. Jack's eyes widened as I let him in on the moments I've shared with the boys. I waited patiently, my hands still from movement, for his reply.

"Are you serious?" his voice was slightly raised so I shushed him not wanting the other boys to eavesdrop.

"Sorry it's just they've just started a war behind each other's backs and they don't even know it. " I guess Jack G was right. I have started a war; just not the kind he and I were thinking.

If I wasn't careful then this could blow up in all of our faces and ruin their friendship and their careers. I'm the problem.

"Maybe I should just leave then, right?" I asked defeatedly.

Jack J was quick to hurry round my side of the bed as I sat down, he crouched down in front of me trying to look into my eyes. He ended up having to use his fingers to gently tilt my face upwards.

"You are not going anywhere Lily, this is not your fault. You can't blame yourself for three guys liking you. Just know you've always got me, Jack J, the guy who doesn't like you like that." he joked making me softly giggle.

"Thanks Jack." I pulled him into a friendly hug before releasing him and picking up the duvet once again.

We carried on the process in the other two rooms before we had three single sized duvets and one double, seven pillows, blankets and snacks set up in the living room.

The other three guys had already changed in the clothes they were going to sleep in and had placed some on the sofa arm for me. I swooped up the clothing and headed to that bathroom. Once inside I locked the door, because you never know if they're gonna be cheeky or not and stripped off my clothing. I washed my face clean of makeup and tied my hair back into a messy bun.

I pulled the black t- shirt over my head and was immediately engulfed in Nate's musky scent. I then pulled on the gym shorts that were almost small enough for me so I'm guessing they were Jack J's. The T-shirt was way too big for me and it covers the shorts but I was comfy so I didn't mind. I folded my clothes into a pile and placed them on a table as I walked past to get to the living room.

They had all settled into their spaces for the tonight; Jack J, Nate and Jack G all with single duvets leaving me to go under the double with Sam. He lifted the corner of it and patted the floor for me to sit. As I got settled they turned the movie on and handed me a bowl of popcorn.

The Tv flashed the name Insidious which made me grin wickedly.

Oh how I love horror films.

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