Chapter thirteen

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We exited the dressing room and walked down the corridor in an incredibly comfortable silence. It was nice.

Until we reached the exit, that was surrounded by girls my age screaming their heads off.

I started to panic as we got closer to them, the screaming getting more intense with each footstep I took.

We were about five steps away from the door when I froze; paralysed by the fear.

You see I had quite bad claustrophobia and if you paired that with my anxiety, well it wasn't the best, let's just put it that way.

The boys carried on walking, making their way through the crowds; leaving me scared and alone in the middle of deserted corridor.

A lone tear ran down my cheek as my chest began to feel tighter; with each breath it felt like I was choking and I hated it.

The pain in my chest got so unbearable I had to stumble over to the wall and slide down till I reached the floor.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them letting the tears freely run down my face.

I tried to focus on my breathing; taking deep breaths to try and calm myself down. My head was pounding from all the screaming outside and my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

A hand placed on my shoulder made me jump suddenly. I looked up through my tears to see a blurry Jack G knelt beside me on the floor, the rest of the boys no where to be seen; they were probably at the car already.

I tore my eyes away from Jack, slightly embarrassed that he had to see me like this and rested my forehead on my folded arms, my chest heaving violently from my sobs.

"Lily, please look at me. Copy me ok beautiful?" his voice was soft and comforting and as soon as the words left his lips, my body relaxed a tiny bit.

I looked at him again and copied his breathing, my gaze never leaving his. We continued this for quite a while until my breathing was just about back to normal and my tears had stopped. My headache was still there but I was so much better than before.

I sighed loudly as Jack engulfed me his arms, warming my shaking body instantly. I hated having panic attacks, I just felt so weak and helpless; like it controlled me and not the other way round. I hadn't had an attack in months so this was a complete surprise.

Usually, my mum helps me through them but today I was alone and I didn't handle it well at all; I was actually disappointed in myself. I though I was stronger than that.

Thankfully Jack was there otherwise I don't know what would've happened.

I delicately wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him closer to me as right now, he was my only source of comfort.

His hand began stroking my hair; relaxing me even further into his embrace.

We pulled away from each other when I felt like I was calm enough to get to the car. His hands moved to cup my cheeks and his thumbs gently brushing the moisture from my skin.

I was stiff in his hold, his face was so close to mine that if I moved just a little bit forward then we would be kissing. But I daren't take the plunge, no matter how much I wanted to.

His grip gently forced my face towards his, turning it at the last minute so that my cheek came in contact with his plump lips. He pressed them gently before lingering over my skin for a couple of seconds and then finally pulling away.

I just stared at him in awe, not really understanding what just happened.

He straightened up from his crouching position, offering his hand out to me like a gentleman. I took it and stood up, feeling slightly light headed.

"Are you gonna be alright?" he asked whilst looking down at me. I nodded weakly sending him a small smile before looking out the doors again.

There were less girls now than there were at the beginning but there were still a lot more than I would like.

Sensing my uneasiness, Jack wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulders; tucking me underneath. He lead us in the direction of the exit and once we stepped outside we quickly made it to the car without the fans grabbing us, sighing when we finally got sat down.

"What took you so long?" Nate asked from the front seat. I was about to speak up when Jack spoke for me.

"Lily forgot her phone in the room and we had to get past the fans." I shot him a grateful smile for not blurting out what happened like everyone else would. He returned it warmly before turning his attention to outside the window.

The other boys just agreed with what Jack said and didn't really give it a second thought which I was extremely glad about.

I don't mind explaining it, its just I was exhausted and needed some well deserved sleep.

We dropped Jake off at his apartment as he had things to do the next morning and then drove for about twenty five minutes in silence before reaching the boys apartment.

We all slid out of the car and I followed the boys as they walked up to the front door, unlocking it and strolling inside. I was the last to walk in and when I looked around all I could think was wow.

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