Chapter seventeen

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Could my life get any more embarrassing?

We both just stared at each other not really knowing what to say. He couldn't exactly be like so do you wanna go watch another film oh by the way I've just seen you naked, could he.

Jack cleared his throat before pointing to the door, indicating that he was now leaving. I just nodded and he quickly scurried out of the room. I sighed once he was out of sight. Why couldn't I have just made sure he'd actually left the room? I'm such an idiot.

I rolled the towels into a ball and composed myself to leave the safety of the bedroom. Hopefully he hasn't told the others.

I cautiously stepped out into the hall and walked slowly back into the kitchen. They were all sat as they were before, still laughing, hopefully not laughing at me.

I gingerly shot them all a smile, avoiding eye contact with Jack.

"Where should I put my towels?" my voice was small and meek and I'm pretty sure all of them knew something was up.

"I'll take them." Nate said, taking the towels from my grasp. As he left the room, I took a seat on his chair. No one was speaking leaving us in a silence that was full of tension.

"So, good shower?" Jack J asked trying to break the ice.

"Yeah it was, it was nice." He nodded muttering an ahhh in reply to my answer

I let my eyes wander round the room trying to find something to distract me for the awkwardness, when my eyes were met with chocolate orbs from across the table.

After three seconds of staring at each other, we just burst out laughing, confusing the other two completely.

I was laughing because I couldn't believe that it happened and I'm pretty sure Jack was the same. Nate returned, brows furrowed as to why were laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing just something that happened earlier. You kinda had to be there." Jack smirked, obviously enjoying how he had the upper hand in this competition for my heart. What a stupid prize?

I have no clue why any of them would want me but each to their own; I'm not gonna complain about it.

Sam yawned loudly from his spot at the table, causing all of us to snap our heads in his direction.

"Aw did the scary movie tire someone out?" Jack J cooed sarcastically at him. Sam flipped him off before rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go hit the hay." he said sleepily before walking off. And then there were four.

"So where am I sleeping?" I asked. We had decided earlier that we weren't going to sleep in the lounge because it became too cold during the night.

"Well, I'm the only one with a double bed so I guess you're rooming with me." Jack G informed me. So not only does he get his wish to see me with no clothes on, I have to sleep in the same bed as him as well?

I'm not sure this is what my mum had in mind when she said she wanted me to get out of the house more.

The four of us moved back into the lounge to watch another film. Nate put on a random comedy but you could tell that none of us were interested in it.

An hour into the film and Jack J went to bed, leaving me and the two lover boy's alone.

About twenty minutes after Jack J, Nate decided to call it a night; muttering sleep well before stumbling to his room.

Jack and myself decided to shut off the film and just go to bed as well since we weren't really interested in it anyway.

We walked to his bedroom and stumbled our way over to his large bed; Jack laying on the left side, leaving the right free for me.

We climbed in bed and got comfortable underneath the sheets; tossing and turning until we found the right position. I mumbled a goodnight to Jack before closing my eyes, willing for sleep to take over my body.

Just as I was at the brink of unconsciousness, I felt something flutter against my forehead and someone saying goodnight.

But it wasn't Jacks voice.

Authors note

Update for you. Please comment what you think and vote of you like it! If you'd like to follow me that'd also be much appreciated. Thank you so much for reading and i hope you've enjoyed this chapter! x

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