Chapter forty five

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Lily's P.O.V

I was woken up by Jack pushing me off the bed as he decided to starfish the mattress in his sleep. I huffed to myself and say up, peering over at Jack; I couldn't help but smile at him as flashbacks of last night played through my mind repeatedly.

I don't know about Jack but that was definitely the best night I've ever had. It was so full of passion and lust and dare I say.. Love?

I know it's been like what? only four months since we first met and we're not even together now but after the journey we've been through I feel so strongly for him that I'm pretty sure it's love.

I can't imagine my life without him in it and I can't fault him. I even adore his flaws, not that there are many.

I stood, allowing myself one more glance at my sleeping boy, before walking to the little phone near the door. I dialled the hotel and order room service for both of us. I headed to the bathroom and took a shower as quietly as I could before throwing on some clothes the crew had brought up for me whilst we were at the restaurant.

I headed back to the room and grabbed by phone, incredibly bored. Snuggling back under the covers, I made the decision to download Instagram and Twitter once again. I feel like I'm at a place right now that I can read hateful comments and not let destroy my life or my body.

I started with Instagram, scrolling through my photos, looking at the comments. I focused mostly on the positive ones, sure there were some mean ones but they didn't bother me one bit .

I headed to twitter next after closing down the other app. I logged in and looked through all of my mentions. There were some fan accounts dedicated to me and Jack and some just to me. They warmed my heart as I read their supportive messages and cute pictures. I followed everyone who had something nice to say and ignored the rest.

I began catching up on all the gossip I had missed, scrolling through all the celeb scandals. A knock at the door interrupted me. I left my warm cocoon and padded over to open the door.

I stepped aside as the employee rolled the trolley full of food into the room before leaving.

I lifted up the loss of two trays, releasing their aroma into the room. They smelt utterly delectable and I'm surprised the smell alone didn't wake Jack from his slumber. I certainly couldn't eat all of this so I smashed the two lids together, creating an obnoxious clanging sound to ring around the room.

Jack woke up with a surprise, flying off the bed onto the floor, the duvet laid on top of him.

"What?! I'm up! I'm up!" He screamed from under the White plushy mountain. I giggled at him as I walked over.

"Morning." I whispered in amusement. His gorgeous face popped out from under the covers, a massive smiled spread across his lips, causing me to smile back just as big.

"Morning beautiful." He whispered back, his smile never faltering, his gaze never leaving mine. I blushed from his words, butterflies invaded my stomach.

"I ordered breakfast." At the mere mention of food, he shot up and ran over to the silver platters; throwing their kids carelessly on the floor. I shook my head at his eagerness and made my way over to his side.

I selected some pancakes from the array of food before us, where as Jack pretty much took two of everything and then had left overs.

Once we were finished eating we resided back to bed. Since the boys didn't perform until tonight, we had the day to ourselves. It's crazy to think that they finish touring in a couple of weeks. I go home in a couple of weeks. I leave Jack in a couple of weeks.

As I thought of the future, sadness overcame me. I didn't want to leave this life behind me. I miss my mum and I miss my home but I feel like his is where I belong.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jack whispered, concern etched onto his features. I lifted my head from his chest to look at him, sighing.

"I don't want this to end." I whispered pathetically. he softly smiled at my answer, tightening his grip around me.

"We'll make it work. I promise you. I- I think I-" He began saying before sighing in frustration.

"You think what?" I asked perplexed, trailing my fingertips up and down his soft cheek.

"I think I love you ok." He exclaimed all of a sudden. My heart soared as I heard the three words leave his lips. He loved me. Jack loved me. Is this a dream come true? How could he possibly love me? You know what? I don't actually care. All that matters is that he loves me. And I love him.

"I love you, Jack." I breathed back, he tensed as I spoke before relaxing completely. His smile was even bigger than before if that was even possible.

"You love me?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded eagerly in reply before getting engulfed in a massive bear hug. I snuggles into him, smiling lightly to myself. This can't be real.

"Will you be mine?" he whispered gently into my ear.


Authors note

This might be the last chapter I'm not sure. If I feel like I need to add another couple then I will. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for reading cxx

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