Chapter three

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The other boys soon departed the stage, patting the other two on the back as they went past.

Sammy and Jack prepared themselves, jumping around the stage, shaking their hands and cracking their necks. I guess they mean serious business.

"Are you ready?!" Jake shouted to the crowd. The boys in front of me both sent him a curt nod and I just smiled sweetly in his direction.

"Then let's begin." Jake simply said making the crowd roar.

Once the crowd had died down, an arm was thrown over my shoulder loosely. I followed it to see it was Sammy.

"Hey babe, you're looking stunning tonight." Jake narrated, Sam repeating the words to me.

I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. Even if it wasn't real.

Jack knocked Sam's arm from my shoulder and tucked a curled strand of hair behind my ear.

"Don't listen to him.You're beautiful,you know that right?" he asked me whilst staring directly into my eyes. I gulped, feeling my face get even warmer.

"And where's that beautiful smile. I've seen you smile." I involuntarily let a cheesy grin invade my face.

"There you go, you see? Beautiful." Jack repeated.

My attention was diverted once again as Sammy grasped hold of my hand delicately and began placing kissing on my knuckles.

With every touch of his lips against my skin, jolts of electricity surged through me; starting from my fingers right the way to my toes. I revelled in the feeling.

Wait a minute, Jake didn't tell him to do that. Sammy was kissing my hand when he wasn't supposed to. It's not part of the script. What was he doing?!

I peered over to Jack to see if he knew what was going on to find him stood there with a scowl etched onto his handsome features. I also frowned in response.

What the hell is going on?

As Sam continued to kiss my hand, Jack decided to caress my cheek. He pushed my curls to lay down my back like before and let his fingers trace random shapes against my skin making me shiver; his stunning orbs never leaving mine.

I think Sam must've realised that his loving gesture wasn't working anymore as he suddenly decided to caress the other side of my face whilst staring at me.

So now I had the two hot guys I've been obsessing over for god knows how long, going against a script and willingly trying to win me over.

What has my life come to?

My gaze flitted between the two boys, not knowing who to settle on.

The tension was so thick you could cut It with a knife and the whole venue was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I held my breath not knowing what to do to sort this out.

Thankfully Jakes voice broke the tension.

"Perfect! You've captured my masterpiece wonderfully! What do you guys think? Could it make me famous?" he jokingly exclaimed making the crowd laugh.

Both of the boys had dropped their hand from my face yet still continued to stare at me. I cast my gaze to my lap.

"Can I get a massive cheer for Lily,our chosen girl!" he shouted loudly into the mic.

I weakly smiled at Jake then directed it to the crowd, still confused as to what just happened.

I jumped off of the stool and made my way to the wings. If you were called up to go on stage you then were allowed to watch the rest of the show from behind the stage.

As I stalked into the wings, Sam and Jack followed me, leaving the other Jack and Nate to entertain the crowd.

I walked straight on from the wings, leaving the stage completely and making my way into a deserted hallway. As I rounded a corner I spotted a toilet and immediately made a dash for it.

I wasn't about to confront my idols about what just happened so I might as well hide.

I could hear both of their footsteps gaining on me so I slid inside the bathroom quickly and locked the door behind me.

I heard their footsteps walk down the corridor and come to a halt directly behind the door that separated us.

"See what you did?!" Sam shouted angrily at Jack.

Oh great.

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