Chapter ten

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I broke away from his hug and bent down to pick up the bucket. I refilled it and handed it over to Nate who placed it back on the door. We walked out and made our way into the hall again. I could hear Jack and Sam talking in the distance so I leaned against the nearest wall and waited for them to come to me because I was lazy and couldn't be bothered walking five steps to meet them.

When they appeared in front of us we informed each other of how the pranks went; Nate and myself obviously leaving out that pesky kiss. I dread to think how they'd react when they hear about it.

We took off in the direction of the security room that had all the TVs that showed what people were doing all over the venue and slid inside as inconspicuous as we could, locking the door behind us.

There were three leathers desk chairs facing the wall of TV's.

Sam and Nate immediately ran over and dived onto the chairs, settling themselves quite comfortably. I sighed to myself; guess I was standing up then.

As I suspected Jack plopped down into the remaining chair, leaving me standing alone like a lemon.

Suddenly, his hand reached out to me, making me fall onto his lap. Guess I have a seat after all then.

I straightened up and got comfortable on his knees before tuning my attention to the TVs.

You could clearly see Jack J running up and down the corridors with at least five security guys following him now.

I diverted my attention to Sam and gave him a quick nod before looking at the screens again. I could hear Sam's fingers typing away at his phone before he secured it back in his pocket.

On the screen, Jack pulled out his iPhone from his jeans and read he message Sam had just sent him. It was his signal to take them to the bathrooms.

We watched as he lead them straight to the chaos.

As we were all intently watching the screen, I felt a warm hand snake around my waist, drawing me in closer. I tried to act unaffected by Jack G's bold move but It was hard when he was so close. I could feel his subtle abs through his thin Tshirt, pressing against my back and he smelled so good. Oh my god he smelt like heaven!

I tried to focus on the prank before me but when his thumb began tracing circles on my hip, I nearly melted right there and then.

I swiftly peered back at him to see a smirk on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing to me and he was loving every second of it.

Well Jack Gilinsky, two can play at that game.

I pretended to sort out my top as I began moving higher up his legs till my bum was closer to his crotch.

I glanced at the other two boys to see them completely absorbed in whatever Jack J was doing. Perfect.

My movements were slow at first, to the point where Jack didn't even know what was happening.

I soon applied more pressure and made my movements more fluid. That caught his attention alright.

I could feel his finger tips digging into the flesh of my sides as he tried to mask his pleasure.

I smirked to myself as I applied even more pressure making him hiss.

"You alright mate?" Nate asked him. I released the pressure from his lap as I began giggling into his shoulder. I took one look at his flustered face and my giggles got louder.

"Erm y-yeah I'm good just trapped my Erm finger." he stuttered back. Nate just nodded along slowly, not entirely believing him.

I looked back at him with a smirk to see him chuckling at me and shaking his head.

I settled back against his chest and watched as Jack J was close to the toilets.

Jack circled my waist once again with his arm subtly, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You've just started a war." he whispered in my ear, his eyes never leaving the screens.

I gulped.

What have I got myself into?

Authors note

Bit of a different chapter but I hope you like it! Please vote if you do and comment what you think!

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