Chapter twenty one

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I was first greeted with the sight of Jack J and Nate, who was obviously the brave one for being up front. They were flanked on either side by Jack G and Sam who were looking handsome there was no doubt about that. But guilty. Incredibly so. Jack J took a step forward and hugged me before making his way into my house. I didn't say anything to the other three as I just stepped aside and they all filed past me with their heads down.

I closed the door and leaned against it heavily, resting my head on the wood and sighing. This is going to be a long night I can tell.

A deep voice interrupted my moment of silence.

"Lily?" I turned to see Jack J, relief flooding through me.

"Yeah?" my voice was weaker that I intended.

"Your Erm mum says to come for dinner." I nodded whilst walking past him into the kitchen.

I took a seat next to my mum at the table with Jack J on my other side and the other boys opposite me.

Silence engulfed us as we ate. The only sound that could be heard was the clacking of the forks against the china plates.

My mum has prepared a delicious meal and I feel bad that the dinner party isn't going as smoothly as she would've liked but I'm not going to talk to them after they shouted at me and practically ignored my side of the story.

"Ok, what's going on?" mum exclaimed setting her utensils down. My mum was never one to bite her tongue.

"What mum? Nothing." I quickly stuttered. If I told her the truth she would be make me sort it out and I just couldn't face that right now.

"Lily Grace Ryder! don't you lie to me. I want you to go to the lounge and work it out with these boys now." with the use of my full name I knew she was serious. Jack J sniggered behind his hand as my mum scolded me. I glared at him before scraping my chair back and stalking out of the room; not looking back to check if the others were following me.

I situated myself on the sofa with a huff, crossing my arms as the others walked in and took seats opposite me.

No one spoke as we stared at each other. I wasn't the one who shouted and falsely accused so I certainly wasn't going to apologise. I know I sound like a brat right now but I wasn't in the wrong. They were.

My eyes flitted around the room, inspecting each of the boys faces; The awkward tension was building and I don't know how much longer I could take it.

"Look Lilly, we've all talked about this and come to a decision about the situation" Jack G said looking directly at me.

"And what's that?" I replied, sarcasm lacing my voice as my attention flitted over to Gilinsky.

"It's totally up to you if you don't want to do it" Sammy spoke.

"Well go on then." I said rudely, annoyed that they wouldn't just cut to the chase.

Nate sighed before answering my demand.

"We want to each take you on a date, just one. After all the dates you sit us down and pick one of us." my jaw dropped. That was there brilliant idea? how am i supposed to chose after just one date?! Though it could be a good thing. I mean it lets me see how they'd treat me if we were to pursue a relationship.

"I'll do it." I spoke confidently. All of the boys broke out in huge grins.

"Great!" Nate said.

"Oh and we're really sorry for shouting at you Lily." Jack spoke sincerely.

"Yeah we thought you were playing is." Sam's voice was laced with guilt.

"I would never do that. I'm not that type of girl. the sooner you realise that, the better."

"We know that now. So do you forgive us? we feel really bad."

"Bring it in." I stood from the couch and beckoned the boys over, rolling my eyes at them. Silly silly boys.

They practically ran in to my arms as we hugged, sealing their apology completely.

We all broke away after a minute and headed back to the dining table.

"All sorted?" mum asked me.

"Yeah. Everything's brilliant." I flashed her a genuine smile before tucking in to my food. The boys followed suit.

For the rest of the evening we talked and laughed about memories and the boys show today and just everything really.

I didn't think I was gonna enjoy tonight. I thought I was going to have to endure an awkward meal and then storm up to my bedroom after they were gone. But I was proved wrong and I was incredibly happy about it.

Mum and I waved goodbye to the boys as they walked to the black car that would take them home. As they drove out of our street, we closed the door and walked back inside.

I told my mum I was going to sleep, the evening taking it out of me entirely. I kissed her goodnight and stumbled up stairs as sleep was quickly taking over my body.

I collapsed on my bed for the second night in a row and fell into a deep sleep filled with dreams of three pesky boys.

Authors note

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