Meeting the others.

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*not a x-reader! Sorry! This is just an idea that popped in my head. :3

*in this some of outcasts meet some of the other au sans. Let's see how this goes!


Cupid: Underlust.

With a loud thud the pixie face planted into a lump of snow. "Yikes.. Thats gonna leave a mark.. Or two.."

He sits up and checks his wings, flapping them, checking them for damage, which there was none thankfully.

"Where in the world am I?" He asks himself. It appeared that he was in a forest, maybe on the outskirts of a town. Maybe he could speak to some of the towns folk and get some answers.

He quickly takes his pink cloak out of his satchel and tosses it over himself, covering half his face, and halo along with his wings.

He stood up and clutched the satchel closer to his body as he walked closer and closer to the town.

The town was fairly small, only a few houses, a pink Christmas tree right in the center of the town. A diner was east of the tree.

Cupid kept his face down, many of the towns monsters stared at him with weird looks.. Some licking their lips, others whispering and giggling.

It made a chill go down his spine as he quickened his walking pace to a jog.

After a few minuets he stopped, trying to regain his breath, and sooth his heartbeat when he ran into something, knocking him into the snow again.

"Owwie.. I really need to watch were I'm going.."

"Hey you alright sweet thing~? That was quite a tumble." A seductive voice asked.

Cupid looked up and saw a short skeleton dressed in revealing clothing, his hand was on his hip as he looked down at the pixie, eyes clouding in a weird way.

"Y-yeah I'm okay." He stands brushing the pine needles off his cloak. "Thank you. Oh! I almost forgot, do you know where I am? I'm not from here.. This place is very strange."

The other skeleton chuckles. "Aww you're oblivious.. Thats too cute. You're in snowdin sweet thing. Well.. Underlust's snowdin to be specific."

Cupids eyes widened. "Under.. What..!? Oh cheese and crackers! I can't be here! This is all wrong!"

The purple clad skele raised a brow. "Why? I'm really liking your company.~ Now c'mon let me see your cute little face." He walked closer to Cupid with his hands going to his stamped cheeks.

Cupid gasped and slapped his hands away. "No! You must not know who I am!"

"Oh.. Playing hard to get huh?" He smirks and rips the cloak off. "Wait.. You're a guy?"

Cupid pouts his 'lip'. ".. Yes! And now I officially hate you! It is 32 degrees outside and I hate you!"

The smirking skeleton chuckles and watches the pixie flutter off throwing a tantrum.


Fear: Horrortale.

"Ouch..what happened?" He asked himself dusting off his trench coat
and looking up. "My, that was quite the fall now wasn't it?"

He stands up, folding his extra legs behind his back, and closing his other eyes as to not frighten anyone who happens to stumble across him.

"I might as well explore the place, shall I?" He mumbles marching through the snow.

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