Reunited. | Asher x mute! Reader

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*not a request, but I feel like Asher needs more fanfiction, and since my throat is a little messed up at the moment Creator-chan is temporarily mute.

Have fun my Ashy fan girls!


Ever since you were little you loved the woods, and most of all wolves.

And one thing you remembered from those days, was that there was a wolf pup you would hang out with. You played with him, and had many adventures with him.

But, your family moved to the city and ever since then you hid your self, not wanting to be social or talk to anyone.

Well.. You couldn't talk anyway, but whatever.

You had aged up, you were about twenty now. You would wonder from time to time on how your little wolf friend was doing.

Was he still there..? Did the hunters get to him?

You sighed and grabbed your bag and hiking boots, determined to find him.


Your old house had been torn down do to a bad storm hitting it, you felt your heart ache at the sight, but you pushed the thought away, trying to stay focused on finding your old friend.


After being in the woods for so long you had gotten lost, all the trees started to look exactly the same, so did all of the flowers.

You even tried to follow the wind but it led you in a giant circle, so you stopped at a pond, sitting on a tree stump.

Who were you kidding? Wolf packs changed territories all the time he was probably gone by now!

You began to sob into the palms of your hands, all you wanted to do was see him again, he was the only one who was accepting of you being mute. While others would call you weird.

You heard some bushes rustling but you chose to ignore it, still crying into your hands.

Something began to hiss at you, you turned and saw a large snake coiled up baring its teeth.

You looked down and saw a small nest of snake eggs by the stump, and your eyes widened. Oh no..

You looked around for something to throw at it but you couldn't reach anything without going around the snake.

Just as you were about to slowly walk away, it hissed louder and lunged at you, but before it could something large and grey had its jaws clamped into the snakes neck.

After a sickening crack the wolf spit the snake out and looked at you.

You nodded in thanks but.. You were still scared of it, what if it attacked you next?

It walked over to you and sniffed your hand, then its eyes widened, it looked at you with a hopeful gaze, its tail wagging.

Then you watched as it morphed into a tall, husky, skeleton with wolf ears and a poofy tail, amazing grey hair with a blue streak, he opened his eyes, one being orange the blue one hidden behind his hair. "Y/n? Y/n L/n? Is that really you?"

His tail wagged even more with excitement.

Was this the wolf you played with when you were younger? It had to be you recognized those mismatched eyes anywhere! He had aged well, very well, he was super cute.

You nodded with your arms open, he ran up and hugged you, sniffing you even more.

You hummed and hugged him even tighter, glad to be reunited after all of these years!

He chuckled and pulled away. "I can't believe that its really you! I thought I'd never see you again! You look great!"

You smiled, cheeks burned pink.

He caught that blush and smirked. "You know y/n, there is something I didn't tell you before you left."

You tilted your head.

"...I.. I love you." He stuttered loosing his confidence, cheeks burning orange.

You smiled and cupped his cheek bones, then you pulled him into a kiss.

He was surprised for a second, but then he kissed you back, backing you into a tree with a passionate sweet kiss.

You smiled in the kiss, and you kissed back even more, scratching behind his ear as you kissed.

His tail wagged making you silently giggle.

He pulled away and relaxed into your touch, his cheek in your hand. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that for."

You blushed and buried your face into his flannel.

End! I hope you enjoyed! Even if I'm tired! Next is a Hallow request I got! See you soon my fellow weirdos!

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