Three minds, one heart. | Cupid trio x reader.

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*not a request but I got bored, *shrugs*.

And someone left a comment saying that the outcasts were smexy.. Idk how to respond to that... XD

Oh well, have fun! Little warning things are suggestive... 0_0.. Don't ask.


You and Cupid had been going out for a very very long time, but, he had been keeping something from you.

But since he felt guilty and didn't like to lie, he had told you that he had two personalities. Which you were fine with, you just didn't expect them to be so different. 

Lockheart was the one clad in red, a burning temper, didn't liked to be loved on as often as your little angel.  And he was very, very warm. At all times.

And lastly.. There was Romeo, whenever he took over, there was no stopping him. He was perverse but never stepped over your boundaries. And he was an attention w*ore. Always wanted lovin's, hugs kisses, you name it, he wanted it. 

They were very unpredictable, one day Cupid would be fine, the next he'd be the sharp heeled hot head, and during the night he'd be the purple perv.

And strangely, you were fine with it, it was like you were dating three different monsters, but you weren't.

You were just getting mad at your marshmallow trying to get it the golden brown that you wanted, but it kept burning to a crisp. Making you give up and throw the bag.

Cupid giggled at you, catching the bag in his gloved hands. "Having trouble there sugar?"

You pout your lip and cross your arms over your chest. 

When you looked away from him you heard a 'poof' noise, and suddenly Lockheart stood in front of you, holding a marshmallow in the palm of his hand.

You stared at him still pouting, and he laughed a little which was rare. Then he took a deep breath, and scorched the marshmallow, turning it that perfect golden brown.

You smiled. "Thank you locky!"

He rolled his eyes and tossed a smore in your lap, crossing his arms and sitting next to you.

He placed a Smokey kiss on your cheek, burning it slightly, making you giggle with a light blush. 


After a few more smores, you both headed inside, simply hanging out in the living room, locks sharp heels thrown to the side, revealing his pink fuzzy socks.

He had his arm around you as his ruby eyes stared at the tv, he didn't even notice you get up and leave.

You had simply went to the bathroom, and when you came back, Lock was nowhere in sight. 

"Lock? Did you go to bed yet? I thought we were gonna have a movie marathon!"

No response.

You grumbled, about to sit on the couch only to have been pinned to the wall, wrist either side of your head. And your eyes were met with a very deep hot pink ones, twin tails slowly wrapping around your legs.


"No sugar plum.~"

You blushed looking up and seeing the floating heart between his horns. 

"Romeo? What's happening?"

He chuckled and kisses your charred cheek. Healing it, making you a bit disappointed.

"Oh honey, you should've known I'd visit you soon.~ I'm a bit offended that you forgot."

You blushed even darker when his wings wrapped around your shoulders, cornering you even more.

"Heh heh.. I'm sorry Romeo..."

He shakes his head. "How about I kiss you in a way that you'll never forget about me?~"

Oh boy.


You woke up with Cupid next to you, snuggling into your shoulder, his arms tightly around your torso, his halo crooked.

You smiled lovingly and kisses his heart stamped cheek, making him stir a little before he sat up. "Morning sweetie!"

You laugh and poke his non nose. "Good morning to you too pinkie."

He blushes at the nickname then stands, fixing his t-shirt. "I'm going to make some f/b, feel free to join me when you get up!"

You watched him flutter out of the room and laugh quietly to yourself, then you stand as well trying to get the knots out of your hair.

You then toss on your slippers then you leave your room.


You hugged the pixie from behind, startling him. "What's cookin' good lookin'?" You ask.

He blushes and his wings perk a little. "Y/n, please no pick up lines. You know I despise those. But, if you must know its your favorite."

You nod. "Mkay CC." You pull away from him then sit at the table.

A little while later, Cupid sets the plates down then sits across from you. You notice that his halo was fixed to its original position.

After eating a little you notice that Cupid was looking at you funny. 

"Something wrong Cutie cake?" You asked him, using his full nick name.

He suddenly stands and points at your cheek. "What is that?"


He pulls a tiny heart shaped mirror out of nowhere and shows you, there on your cheek was a small upsidedown heart.

"Um.. I can explain?"

His eyes dart to your neck. He squints for a second then frowns. "Why does your neck say R was here?"

You gulp then ignore his piercing gaze, going back to your food.

"Y/n!" His voice changed. Lockhearts hand going under your chin. "What did Romeo do?"

You blushed. "Uh.. We may or may not have had a very heated kissing session..."

Lock growls smoke coming out of his non nose. "Fine... Two can play at that game..."

He suddenly kisses your cheek again, longer this time, it burned for a second like a match.

He pulled away, looking you in the eyes for a second then walked out of the kitchen.

You blushed picking up the tiny mirror seeing a broken heart burned into your cheek.

You tossed the mirror aside and buried your face into your arms.

What were you gonna do with them?

End! I hope you enjoyed I got bored and wanted to write about Romeo so here ya go. Also can someone make a story with sans and his aus like this? Where every day sans changes to a different sans and reader has to deal with it? I'd love to read something like that. :3

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