Bird's eye view. / Alistair x reader.

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OKAY FIRST OF ALL!!! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, believe it or not my internet kept being stupid the whole time. -_-.. But! I'm back now! Anyway, finally you all get to meet the last quad!


You sat on the cliffs edge, ever since you were little you've always wanted to fly.

Sure it was childish to ever think that you'd ever get wings..

It made your innocent heart break when your mom told you that you couldn't ever fly with real  wings, back when you were eight.

But, you still tried sometimes.

Yes, you failed, fell out of many trees but you didn't want to give up.

You stared at your scraped knees smiling slightly.

Your eyes then met with the bright blue sly, puffy clouds and warm sun.

You almost never stayed in the house, you always loved the outdoors but the sky was your most favorite thing.

You let out a calm sigh enjoying yourself before you jumped in fright when your brother screeched like a crow.

You had almost fallen off the edge... "Dude! What the hell! I could have fallen on my head!"

"Yeah, well you didn't so.. Yeah. But your face!" He held his gut laughing.

"Its not funny jackass!" You shoved him knocking him into a leaf pile.

"Hey! No fair!" He growled and shoved you even harder than you had shoved him.

Before you knew it, the ground below you was gone.. You were falling..

Your eyes widened and you felt paralyzed in fear, not being able to move.

The rocks below you began to grow closer and closer as you shut your eyes.

Soon it all went quiet. All was silent as you stopped falling..?

Only chirps of birds was the only sound.

You slowly opened your eyes only to be face first in a ball of blue fluff.

"Huh? Am.. Am I dead?"

"No silly!" A cheerful voice said.

Your eyes widened as the talking floof spread its wings and flew you back onto the cliff.

It set you on your feet, and pulled away so you could see it.

Well, it was a he, and he was super cute.

His transparent wings glistened in the sunlight, his scarf blew in the wind, his little poofy trench coat flowed into the wind as well.

You didn't know why.. But you felt like you've seen him before... In a story book somewhere..

"Thank you for saving me.. But who are you?"

His eyes widened as he tapped himself on the skull. "Oops! Oh silly me! Looks like I've forgotten to introduce myself! Ahem.. Hello human of earth, I am Alistair, the prince of air, or of wind whichever you prefer!" He chuckles.

Based on the way he was dressed, and by the crown on his head.. He must have been the air element! Now you knew you had seen him from somewhere!

You  smiled and hugged him. "Oh you have no idea how long I've been looking for you!"

He was shocked for a second before he happily returned the hug. "You have?"

"Yes! You're the reason why I've been wanting to fly since I was little! My mom told me the folk tale on how you earned your wings! And.. Well... Let's just say I tried a little too much.." You shyly avoided his eyes.

Your brother just stood there confused.

"Aww, human. I'm glad you admire me so much, but.. I'm sorry to say but humans don't get wings. But.. That doesn't mean you can't fly!"

He wrapped his arms around your waist and spread his wings, taking off and fading into the clouds.

Again your brother stood there contemplating life.

End..? Sorry if this sucked! I tried and its been a while! But now you guys can request them any time!

Random question- which element is your favorite? I've probably already asked this, but I don't remember XD

See you in the next update!

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