chapter ten // sticks and stones.

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Olivia's POV

Loud noises coming from the kitchen pulls me from my sleepy state. Instantly irritation boils underneath the skin. Who in the hell is making all this noise at this time of day? My parents are still out of town, so that only leaves one person...

"TEA!" I scream, my sleepy voice still very scratchy and hoarse.

The racket going on in the other room ceases and I let out a sigh of relief. My eyes wander to the clock on my wall. 8:53am? You've got to be kidding me.

There's no way in hell that I'm getting out of bed now, so I close my eyes and bury myself deeper beneath the covers. My warm blankets brings me instant happiness. I think I even let out a moan because of how happy I am to be able to just stay in bed.

I start to slowly drift back to sleep within a few seconds. I'm on the brink of unconsciousness when my bedroom door swings open and hits my wall with a loud 'THUD'.

"Oops," Tea whispers.

"Tea, I swear on all things I love, I am going to kill you in your sleep and chop up your dead body then feed it to a pack of wild boars. So help me..." I threaten between clenched teeth.

Tea ignores my deadly threats and turns on my light, nearly blinding me. I let out a little screech and bury my head under my pillow.

She's lucky she's practically family, otherwise I wouldn't hesitate killing her in an instant.

"Get your lazy butt out of bed, we have a lot of things to do today. It's not my fault you've been so busy lately," She tells me, trying to pull the blankets off of me, but I hold on tightly.

She's right, I really should get up. I made all these plans with Tea but today's the only day I'm free. Between work and Harry, I've had literally no time for her. Usually we spend at least a few days together a week.

So I let out a groan and sit up. Tea lets out a snort at my messy self. I can feel my hair in a complete rat's nest on top of my head. I send her the death glare full of hate.

"I'll let you attempt to make yourself pretty," She teases, ducking out of my room before I can throw something at her head.

I really need to get that key from her...

* * * *

"What was so important that I need to wake up at this un-godly hour?" I grumble as I shuffle into the kitchen where Tea is finishing a crossword out of our newspaper and drinking a cup of starbucks.

She glances up from her paper and eyes me up, obviously judging my lazy clothes. I hopped into the shower just to put a pair of sweats and tank-top back on and to throw my hair into a messy bun.

I grab a poptart out of the cabinet and slide next to her at our kitchen table. She slams her pen down on the table with frustration, obviously giving up on the crossword that she isn't even close to finishing.

"Nothing really, but if you're only going to give me a day, then I'm not going to let you waste it away," She remarks with a bit of bitterness behind her tone.

Honestly, Tea isn't the jealous type whatsoever, but I think she's still mad that I haven't introduced her to Harry yet. I'm just nervous that they won't get along. Tea's very different and if you're not used to her, she can be a bit much. And Harry isn't Tea's type at all. And if they don't get along, I don't know what I'd do.

"Fair enough," I send her a smile, despite my body aching to go back to bed, "What did you have in mind?"

"I thought maybe we could try writing another song? We haven't written one together in the longest time," She suggests, returning back to her usual cheerful self.

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